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Books and Supplies For Students on VA Vocational Rehab

The Vocational Rehabilitation Program (administered by the VA) will pay for books and supplies listed in a class syllabus. The following information provides further details about this program:

  • Supplies: You may charge normal school supplies such as pencils, pens, and paper to the VA at the University Store. The VA does not pay for items such as cameras for a photography class. If you have questions about what may be charged contact Ann Whipp, Student Veterans Affairs Coordinator, 101 Student Services Center.
  • Books: The VA will also pay for books that are required and listed on the class syllabus.
  • Charge Card: Charges to the VA are made with a charge card. You may obtain a card from the University Store at the start of the term.

The Accounting Office has been notified that your tuition should be taken care of by the VA. If there is a question about your tuition, please contact the Veterans Services Office at 715-346-3237.

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