The grades
of A, B, C, D (+ or -) F, P, I, W, NR and
credits by exam are considered credits attempted. Attempted credits are calculated based upon
the grading period and after which time a grade is posted.
courses are not funded by financial aid and not considered under any aspect
of the SAP Policy unless a student changes their course to Audit after the
100% adjustment to tuition and fee period.
This would affect Pace and Maximum Time Frame.
agreements (agreements with another college/university to pay for courses at
that institution)
obtained at other institutions that are part of a consortium agreement are
counted in the Pace and Maximum Time Frame components.
successful completion of a credit attempted is credit for which a grade of A,
B, C, D (+ or -), or P is received and credits by exam. Do not include grades of F, I or W. The grade of D for a Graduate student is
not considered successful completion of the credit(s) attempted.
Dropping a
A dropped
class receiving a W grade affects the Pace and Maximum Time Frame components
of SAP but is not included in the cumulative GPA.
Aid Probation Status
occurs when a student successfully appeals SAP suspension. At the end of the approved SAP appeal
probation period, the student undergoes re-evaluation of their academic
progress to see if they have met SAP standards so they may remain eligible
for financial aid.
Aid Suspension Status
occurs in the term following a SAP warning or SAP probation when a student
fails to meet SAP requirements as previously warned. Financial aid eligibility is on hold
pending a successful SAP appeal.
Aid Warning Status
This occurs
at the end of the first term that the student does not meet SAP. A communication warns them that failure to
correct the lack of SAP (either GPA or 67% rule) or Maximum Time Frame (150%
rule) will result in the loss of financial aid eligibility at the start of
the following term.
incomplete counts as credit(s) attempted and credit(s) not earned until a
passing grade is posted. Incompletes
affect the Pace and Maximum Time Frame Components. Once a letter grade (A, B, C, D, and F) is assigned, it will be factored into the GPA determination the next time SAP is calculated.
credits are counted in Pace and Maximum Time Frame. A grade of F is calculated into GPA. All remedial credits are counted toward enrollment status.
Repeated credit(s) count as attempted
credit(s) as many times as the course is repeated. Repeating credits apply to GPA, Pace, and
Maximum Time Frame components. A student can only repeat courses where the previous grade received does not lead to progression
within their program.
from the university (all classes)
Official and unofficial withdrawals will impact the Pace and Maximum Time Frame components. Withdrawals (W): Courses dropped after the add/drop period for which the student receives a "W" grade is not included in the cumulative GPA. If you failed to officially withdraw from your course(s), the "F" grade received is included in the cumulative GPA.
Changes in Major/Double
major/Second Degree
All attempted and completed credits are counted in both the Pace and Maximum Time Frame components. Students who change majors are at risk of exceeding Maximum Time Frame before obtaining a degree. Students
pursuing 1st and 2nd major simultaneously will only be
allowed 150% of the credits needed towards their first major. Students pursuing a second degree are held to the undergraduate Maximum Time Frame (150% Rule). These situations could result in needing to appeal
Maximum Time Frame.
taken for Winterim will be evaluated for SAP with the Spring term.