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"There is no substitute for professional custodial training because the trained professional, with a positive attitude and a commitment to excellence performs cleaning tasks efficiently and cost-effectively." – ISSA Clean Management Institute.

Tammy Larson, the UWSP Facility Services - Academic Custodial Program Supervisor is the only ISSA Clean Management Institute certified trainer in the University of Wisconsin System.  With the full support of Facility Services management, Tammy recently completed successful training and testing of all current academic custodial staff employed by UWSP.  This means that all UWSP academic custodians are now ISSA - Clean Management Institute certified basic custodial technicians.

ISSA – Clean Management Institute's training included courses on Customer Service; The Chemistry of Cleaning; Basic Cleaning of Above-Floor Surfaces; Basic Cleaning of Hard Floor Surfaces; Basic Cleaning of Carpeted Floor Services and Basic Cleaning of Restrooms and Shower Rooms.

According to Tammy, "the plan is to keep moving forward and assist our custodial staff through the next phase, Advanced Certification".

Congratulations to Tammy and all of our custodial technicians!

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