Violent or Criminal Behavior or Action​

Everyone on campus is asked to assist in providing a safe environment by being alert to suspicious behavior and promptly reporting the situation to University Police. Violent or criminal behavior may include but is not limited to, physical assault, sexual assault, thefts, vandalism, and workplace violence.

General Response

Report all violence, criminal acts, and suspicious behavior promptly to 9-1-1.

If you are the victim, observe a criminal act, or observe suspicious people on campus, immediately call 9-1-1 from a safe area to report the incident, including the following:

  1. Your name
  2. Nature of the incident
  3. Location, date, and time of the incident
  4. Description of person(s) involved
  5. Description of property involved
  6. If there are weapons involved
  7. Description and license of any vehicles involved. Note direction of travel

Do not approach or attempt to apprehend the person(s) involved. 

Stay on the phone with the police dispatcher until the police arrive and provide additional information, as it becomes available or as the situation changes. 

Try to remain out of sight, act cautiously, and be concerned with your personal safety. 

Provide additional information assistance upon request from responding emergency personnel.

Property Crime/Theft/Vandalism Response

Go to a safe place and notify University Police at 715-346-3456

  • Do not touch anything. 
  • Meet with the officer at the location the officer requests. 
  • Explain to the officer everything you observed, including telling the officer if you touched or moved anything. 
  • Follow the officer’s instructions. 

Contact Risk Management to fill a claim for recovery of loss, if applicable.

Violent/Personal Crime Response

  1. As soon as possible get to a safe place and call 9-1-1. Advise the police of the nature of the incident, location, if medical assistance is needed, and a description of the person(s) involved. Follow medical emergencies procedures if immediate medical assistance is required.

  2. Be observant, as the more information you can provide, the better the chance the criminal will be apprehended.

  3. While a crime is being committed, you have three options:

    • Submit to suspect.
    • Passive resistance (talking or reasoning with suspect).
    • Active resistance (physical intervention). Remember, whatever you decide to do, you must be prepared both mentally and physically. Your safety is the most important thing to remember during any attack.

  4. Meet with the officer and follow his/her instructions.

Sexual Assault Response

Whether an acquaintance, partner, family member or stranger has sexually assaulted you, it is not your fault. There are things you can do right now to help yourself and to facilitate your recovery.

  1. Find a safe place away from your attacker
  2. Tell a person whom you trust, or call one of the following resources for support
    • University Police: 715-346-3456
    • Sexual Assault Victim Services (SAVS): 715-343-7125
    • UW-Stevens Point Counseling Center: 715-346-3553
    • UW-Stevens Point Student Health Service: 715-346-4646
  3. Options for reporting the incident to local or campus authorities

Have you witnessed or received a report of a sexual assault?  Any University employee who witnesses a sexual assault on campus or receives a report that a student has been sexually assaulted is required by 1989 WI Act 177 to report the assault to the Dean of Students.

  1. Report forms are located in the offices of the Chancellor, Counseling Center, Student Health Service, Dean of Students, Residence Hall Directors, University Police, Academic Deans, and Department Chairs.
  2. Submit completed reports to the Dean of Students, Old Main, Room 212. Such reporting is for statistical purposes only; no other action is required unless a victim should desire it.  This is to ensure the victim remains in control of the decisions made and to respect their privacy.
Policies, procedures and resources

Workplace Violence Response

  1. Call 9-1-1 from a safe location. Inform of situation and if medical assistance is required. State location of incident, person(s) involved, weapons involved, and other requested information.

  2. Leave area if safe to do so following Evacuation Procedures. Attempt to secure the affected area while evacuating to prevent others from entering.

  3. If unable to safely evacuate, find a safe location inside away from the violence.
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University Police and Security Services

UW-Stevens Point Counseling Center 715-346-3553

Employee Assistance Program

Portage County Human Services

Private counselor/psychologist (see yellow pages)

Sexual Assault Victim Services (SAVS) 715-343-7125

Family Crisis Center (24-hr, free & confidential) 715-343-7125

20 Minute Video: Flashpoint on Campus

UWSP Sexual Assault Information (Dean of Students)

Bias/Hate Incident Reporting

National Crime Prevention Council

Page last reviewed: November 10, 2022
Page last updated: November 10, 2022