WSLS Surveyors' Institute
January 22 - 24, 2025
Kalahari Resort and Convention Center, Wisconsin Dells, WI.
Business and Leadership, Natural Resources
​​76th Annual Wisconsin Society of Land Surveyors' Institute

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January 22-24, 2025
Kalahari Resort and Convention Center
Wisconsin Dells, Wis. 

WSLS Sponsor Logos.PNG


The Wisconsin Society of Land Surveyors (WSLS) is a statewide volunteer organization committed to the advancement of the surveying profession. The WSLS supports professional land surveyors licensed to practice in Wisconsin, as well as those seeking licensure and Certified Survey Technicians. The Annual WSLS Institute is an educational and professional networking event designed for surveyors and other professionals working in the surveying industry. 

Click on the image to view the Program Guide​​

Click on the ima​​ge to view the 2024 Program Guide.

​Registration Informatio

If paying by check, please complete the paper registration form​ and mail it in. 

 2024 Institute Fees

WSLS Member
WSLS Member Student
​Non-Member Student
​Full Institute (Early bird registration by January 5, 2024)
​Full Institute (On or after January 6, 2024)
​Day 1 (Wednesday, January 24, 2024)

​Day 2 (Thursday, January 25, 2024)
​Day 3 (Friday, January 26, 2024)
Extra Banquet Ticket

 Exhibitor Opportunities

 Exhibit at the 75th Annual Surveyors' Institute!

2024 Invitation to Exhi​​bit at the WS​LS Annual Surveyors Institute

As we have done the past few years​, we will be doing booth reservations online only. Booth reservation applications can be found on the WS​​

We recommend that you make your personal room reservations as early as possible.  Rooms are only available at the reduced rate until December 24, 2022 or the resort is sold out. Please reserve your room as soon as possible. UWSP Continuing Education, the Conference Planning Team, and WSLS do not have control over Kalahari policies or room rates once the room block expires or fills to capacity. 


For questions or comments, please contact Bob Beilfuss at 262-250-8003 or

2024 ​Agenda and Session Descriptions 

Click the drop-down menu below to see the session descriptions. 

​Wednesday, January 24, 2024

 ​10-10:20 a.m.​ | Keynote

​Building Boundaries (Category 3)​​​ (0.4 PDH)​

Presenter: Bryan Meyer

More Information TBA. 

 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m. | Breakout Sessions 1-6 (1.8 PDH)

1) Easements and Rights of Way (Part 1 of 3) (Category 1 or 3)

Presenter: Gary Kent, BSLS - presenter of programs in all 50 states

Surveyors deal with easements almost every day, and they are the subject of a tremendous amount of litigation, so they are of great interest to the surveying community. The program covers all aspects of easements from their creation (both written and unwritten), through interference, maintenance, overburdening, how they differ from licenses, the importance of recordation, reversionary rights, and the many ways in which they can be terminated or extinguished. The program is tailored to the laws and court decisions of the state in which the program is presented and generates a lot of interest and discussion among the audience.

​2) County Review of CSMs and Plats (Category 1)

Presenters: ​Dean Roth, ​​County Surveyor since 2016, PLS, ​​BS; ​​Geography/Cartogrpahy, UWEC, AS; Land Surveying, Nicolet College

                     Laurence Johns, PLS

                     Dave Yurk, PLSS, currently a Senior Project manager forRASmith, part-time County Surveyor in Shawano County and Outagamie County

                     Dave Decker, PLS 3108

Many of our County Surveyors review Certified Survey Maps, Subdivision Plats or even Condominium Plats.  By using State Statute Chapter 236 and Administrative Code AE-7, they see many excellent survey documents as well as identify mistakes.  With this panel discussion, several County Surveyors will reveal those items that make a survey excellent as well as looking at some of the more common mistakes found and how to prevent them.

3) The American Surveyor; The Impact Surveyors Had in How America was Built. (Category 3)

Presenter: Emily Pierce, PLS

Let's travel back in time to the Revolutionary War. We're going to take a look at some impactful surveyors, their families, and the impact they had on how our great country was settled. From Colonial Times, to the first surveys in Wisconsin, surveyors played a huge role in the independence of the United States.

4) Boundary Law and Adverse Possession: 75 years of court cases that shape what we do today. (Catgory 1 or 3)

Presenter: Jessica Shrestha​

In this session we will explore the historical twists and turns of boundary law with an 
in-depth look at some of the more interesting cases from the past 75 years and how those cases
have shaped what we do today. Questions and examples for discussion are encouraged. 


5) Wisconsin DOT Updates (Category 3)

Presenters: Jacob Rockweiler, PE, WISCORS Network Manager, Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Madison, WI

                     Elliot Smith, BS, WISCORS Network Administrator, Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Madison, WI

                     Shawn Meyer, PLS, Bureau Survey Coordinator, Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Superior, WI

                     Keif Callaway, PLS, Bureau Plat Coordinator, Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Madison, WI

Wisconsin DOT Geodetic Survey Unit will discuss and answer questions about the upcoming WISCORS changeover to 2022 datum, keeping a WISCORS station operational during a renovation of Janesville’s City Services Center building and review of WISCORS station construction and maintenance, including the new braced monument style.  Review of recent updates to WisDOT’s Facilities Development Manual (FDM) Chapter 9 (Surveying & Mapping) and Chapter 12 (Right-of-Way Plat and Exhibit Development).  Introduction of WisDOT’s right-of-way GIS project and related importance of submitting CAD files.

6) 10 years of the Young Surveyors Network!

Presenters: ​Netty Harley, PLS

                     Connor Christopherson, PLS

Come celebrate the past 10 years of the Young Surveyors Network as we relive the history and make plans for the future! Highlights also include recaps of the NSPS Student Competition, NSPS YSN Meetings, WSLS YSN Summer Outing and more. Special guest appearances. We encourage those who are new to the institute, students, young surveyors, past and current YSN Members, and supporters of the YSN to attend and participate in our annual meeting. Learn more about the YSN at

 1:30-3:10 p.m. | Breakout Sessions 7-12 (2.0 PDH)

7) Easements and Rights of Way​ (Part 2 of 3)​ (Category 1 of 3)

Presenter: Gary Kent, BSLS - presenter of programs in all 50 states

Surveyors deal with easements almost every day, and they are the subject of a tremendous amount of litigation, so they are of great interest to the surveying community. The program covers all aspects of easements from their creation (both written and unwritten), through interference, maintenance, overburdening, how they differ from licenses, the importance of recordation, reversionary rights, and the many ways in which they can be terminated or extinguished. The program is tailored to the laws and court decisions of the state in which the program is presented and generates a lot of interest and discussion among the audience.

8) The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (Category 1 or 3)

Presenter: Corey Hughes, Michigan Professional Surveyor​

Riparian Bottomlands Water Access Apportionment Allocation Design Surveys. To the Professional Surveyor it simply means 'where can my client(s) put their dock'. We will attempt to condense an eight to sixteen hour presentation into less than two hours. We will cover basic design concepts while sharing with you more than three decades of court expert witness experiences. Questions are always appreciated.

9) Primary Control Projects in the Modernized NSRS – Overview and Tools (Category 3)

Presenters: Richard Kleinmann, PLS

                     Howard Veregin,

                     Jacob Heck, Ph.D., P.S.

Learn about the challenges and opportunities involved with creating and maintaining primary control networks in the new dynamic datums and what tools are available from NGS to plan, submit and adjust data for both NSRS inclusion and non-NSRS projects. We will go over opportunities for private surveying firms, why you should take advantage of OPUS Projects training and what role standards and best practices can play in maintaining wide area network integrity. We will also examine what role the State Cartographer’s Office “Survey Control Finder” can play in disseminating non-NSRS data and the importance of metadata being available to determine the suitability of individual control stations to the proposed use.

10) Ethics and Professional Conduct for a Professional Surveyor (Category 2)

Presenter: John Matonich, Education B.S., Land Surveying with Honors (Michigan Technological University, 1981) Registration

As professionals, surveyors are held to a higher standard and are expected to follow a code of ethical professional conduct and operation. This presentation will examine the elements of this code and how they fit in the surveyors conduct. It will also examine real ethical case situations and discuss why they were or weren’t violations of an ethical code.

​11) Vendor Session: Boosting Productivity with GNSS Positioning Insurance  - Trimble

Presenter: Motaz Mostafa 

During this presentation, new surveyors will discover how to leverage positioning insurance to optimize their productivity and minimize downtime in the field. We'll explore PPP as the key tool that can enhance base/rover RTK methods and real-time network workflows. More specifically, you will learn about xFill correction and the many benefits and productivity gains that come with employing this Trimble technology, and we'll explain how the CenterPoint RTX solution can further extend these benefits. This presentation is a must-see for surveyors looking to maximize their efficiency in the field.

12) Vendor Session: What’s new with Trimble and Seiler 

Presenters: Holly Urbaine

                    Steve Grady

 We will cover new Trimble hardware and software updates as well as what Seiler has to offer in drones, ground penetrating radar, and hydrographic survey options.

 3:30-4:30 p.m. | Breakout Sessions 13-18 (1.2 PDH)

13) Easements and Rights of Way (Part 3 of 3) (Category 1 or 3)​

Presenter: Gary Kent, BSLS - presenter of programs in all 50 states

Surveyors deal with easements almost every day, and they are the subject of a tremendous amount of litigation, so they are of great interest to the surveying community. The program covers all aspects of easements from their creation (both written and unwritten), through interference, maintenance, overburdening, how they differ from licenses, the importance of recordation, reversionary rights, and the many ways in which they can be terminated or extinguished. The program is tailored to the laws and court decisions of the state in which the program is presented and generates a lot of interest and discussion among the audience.

14) Electronic Processing of Certified Survey Maps​ (Category 3)

Presenters​​:​ Cheryl Berken, Brown County ROD 

                     Michelle Wilsey, Regional Director, ICE Mortgage Technology-SIMLIFILE

Certified survey maps are currently a paper based, time consuming, analog process. With Wisconsin adoption of approved Remote Online Notarization and 100% of Wisconsin Counties accepting eRecording, it is now possible to fully create, route, sign, notarize and eRecord Certified Survey Maps in a streamlined, secure and legal process. This session will explain and demonstrate options for electronic handling of certified survey maps including electronic review and approval, stamping, signing, notarization, recording and return.​

15) Opportunities for Surveyors in GIS (Category 3)

Presenter: Richard Kleinmann, PLS

Learn about the extensive opportunities for individual surveyors and surveying firms in the GIS world and how these opportunities may make your own career more resilient or help your firm weather economic downturns by diversifying your professional service offerings. This is NOT about parcel mapping; it is much bigger than that! The time might be right for you to expand your thinking and your personal and corporate potential.

16) Legislative Updates (Category 1)

Presenter: Bob Welch, PLS, The Welch Group, Inc., Madison, Wis.

Session description TBA. 

17) Vendor Session: TBD

18) Vendor Session: TBD

 4:30-6 p.m. | Exhibitor's Reception

Enjoy a ​​pizza and pasta buffet while visiting with Institute exhibitors. A cash bar will be available.

 7-8 p.m. | Bucky's Challenge

Get set for the 17​th annual big event, Wednesday evening, January 24, 2024, in conjunction with the Annual Surveyors’ Institute. Bucky’s Challenge is a trivia contest covering such topics as surveying (of course!), math, sports, television, movies, history, geography and whatever else comes to mind. Join up to 24 teams of three to eight people, representing firms, vendors, local chapters, alumni from our technical colleges, county surveyors and other groups that can find a sponsor. To learn more about “Bucky’s Challenge,” contact contest chairman Kevin Slottke at (414) 643-4161,, or visit

​Thursday, January 25, 2024 

 8:20-10 a.m. | Breakout Sessions 19-24 (2.0 PDH)

19) Minimum Standards: History, Evolution, and why they are Important (Category 1 or​ 3)

Presenter: Lisa Van Horn, PLS

Was AE7 the first time in Wisconsin we had laws to follow? The history and compliance of minimum standards in Wisconsin.

20) PLSS Section Breakdown/Fractional Sections (Category 3)

Presenters: Wisconsin County Surveyors Association Representatives

Protracting a PLSS Section is a necessary part of how surveyors establish the interior boundary lines of a Section. Things can get a bit complicated when dealing with closing Sections. Things can get even more complicated when handling irregular centers of Section and 40 corners. In this session, we will look at the basics subdividing PLSS Sections, and some unique Section breakdown situations.​​

21) Forensic Surveying (Part 1 of 2)  (Category 3)

Presenter: Bruce Blair, Professional land surveyor in 3 states

​​Forensic surveying is a service provided by a professional land surveyor with its major impact as expert testimony to the court's. It also includes the traditional land surveying procedures, in depth research and a professional report of the findings. It may also require attendance at depositions and testifying at court. It requires knowledge in title research, priority of calls as well as photogrammetry both aerial and terrestrial. It may also include historical research, cooperation with other professionals and a clear and concise reporting of the findings. An extended bibliography beyond those normally used by professional land surveyors is often required. A current and accurate CV is necessary. It is often necessary to educate the client, be it an attorney or a property owner to the intricacies of surveying.

22) The Surveyor in Jeopardy (Part 1 of 2) (Category 3)

Presenter: Gary Kent, BSLS - presenter of programs in all 50 states

This program will be presented in a jeopardy-like format with the presenter offering answers for which audience members — assembled into teams — must provide the relevant question. The program will include several hundred questions/answers covering the following topic areas: Boundaries, ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys, Safety and Health, Expert Witness, Risk Management, Easements and Rights of Way, and Wisconsin (and/or Illinois) statutes and rules. Answers and questions will be discussed as appropriate or necessary to be sure all participants understand the context and correct answers. This is a very “audience participation”-centric program; it is far more than a simple trivia contest.

23) Vendor Session: Drone to Map with Carlson

Presenter: Luis Rojas, Midwest Region Sales Director, Carlson Software

This class discusses the use of drones to create or augment map creation as a standard process. During this training session you will learn about recommended best practices in the field and the use of applications for photogrammetry and automated feature extraction from point clouds to streamline the creation of the CAD map.

24) Vendor Session: TBA

 10:20 a.m.-12 p.m.| Breakout Sessions 25-30 (2.0 PDH)

25) A Look at Professional Ethics for Land Surveyors (Category 2)

Presenter: Devon Vanden Heuvel, AAS, BS, MS

​Professionals in general have a skill set and knowledge library unique to their profession that others may not have. As professionals we bear a certain duty or responsibility to those that will use our services to treat them fairly and with integrity. In this session we will discuss theses responsibilities and the professional codes that serve as the foundation of our profession.

26) Access to State Highways - Why Surveyors Need to Know this Methodology (Category 1)

Presenters: Mike Roach, P.E.
                     Steve Sydow​, Access Management Coordinator, WisDOT

This presentation will take you through what Access management is, why it's important, and what data goes into it. You will learn why some roads have lots of direct access and others don't. You will also learn why some parcels along highways have "No Improvements" setbacks imposed on them, and others do not. 

By attending this session, you will be able to:
  1. Define What highway Access Management is and why it is important.
  2. Recognize the criteria and information used to determine the best location for access points on several different types of corridors.
  3. Recognize Access Management tools including; Permitting, purchasing Access (deeded access rights), Freeway/Expressway Access, and Development Blocks or Subdivisions Access Using Trans 233 codes.

27) Forensic Surveying (Part 2 of 2) (Category 3)

Presenter: Bruce Blair, Professional land surveyor in 3 states

Forensic surveying is a service provided by a professional land surveyor with its major impact as expert testimony to the court's. It also includes the traditional land surveying procedures, in depth research and a professional report of the findings. It may also require attendance at depositions and testifying at court. It requires knowledge in title research, priority of calls as well as photogrammetry both aerial and terrestrial. It may also include historical research, cooperation with other professionals and a clear and concise reporting of the findings. An extended bibliography beyond those normally used by professional land surveyors is often required. A current and accurate CV is necessary. It is often necessary to educate the client, be it an attorney or a property owner to the intricacies of surveying.

28) The Surveyor in Jeopardy (Part 2 of 2) (Category 3)

Presenters: Gary Kent, BSLS - presenter of programs in all 50 states

This program will be presented in a jeopardy-like format with the presenter offering answers for which audience members — assembled into teams — must provide the relevant question. The program will include several hundred questions/answers covering the following topic areas: Boundaries, ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys, Safety and Health, Expert Witness, Risk Management, Easements and Rights of Way, and Wisconsin (and/or Illinois) statutes and rules. Answers and questions will be discussed as appropriate or necessary to be sure all participants understand the context and correct answers. This is a very “audience participation”-centric program; it is far more than a simple trivia contest.

29) Vendor Session: TBA

30) Vendor Session: TBA

 12-2 p.m. | Past Presidents' Luncheon

​2023 Josh Prentice​​​​​​​​​​
2022 Bryan Meyer​​​​
​2021 ​Ed Harvey, Jr.​​​
​2020 ​Kevin Boyer
​2019 ​Terry Van Ho​​ut
​2018 Robert Beilfuss
​2017 ​Larry Miller
​2016 ​Emily Pierce
​2015 ​Jeffrey DeMuth
​2014 ​Sean Walsh
​2013 ​John Baudhuin
​2012 ​Allen Schneider
​2011 ​Bruce Bowden
​2010 ​James Rein
​2009 ​James Wallen
​2008 John Casucci
​2007 ​Lisa Van Horn
​2006 ​Joseph Gruber
​2005 ​Chester Nowaczyk
​2004 ​Robert Harris
​2003 ​Terrance Genske
​2002 ​Terrance Pisarek
​2001 ​Daniel Birrenkott
​2000 ​Lee Villeneuve
​1999 ​William Jung
1998 Burt Naumann
​1997 ​Howard Licht
​1996 ​David Chrouser
​1995 ​Matthew Janiak
​1994 ​Francis Thousand
​1993 ​Michael Romportl
​1992 ​Dennis Mickesh
​1991 Donald LaCount​
​1990 ​John Margitan
​1989 ​Michael Roach
1988 David Schmalz
​1987 ​Norman Hanson
​1986 ​Robert  Luebben
​1985 ​Leslie Van Horn
​1984 ​Arden Sandsnes
​1983 ​Donald Rhode
​1982 ​Frederic Zietlow
1981​ David Mau​
​1980 ​Rodney Ripley
​1979 ​Donald Paulson
​1978 ​Gerald Inman
​1977 ​Herman Hovelsrud
​1976 ​Robert  Johanning
​1975 ​Anthony Kiedrowski
​1974 ​Hugh Lee
​1973 ​John Nielsen
​19​72 ​William Rohde

 2-4 p.m. | Breakout Sessions 31-36 (2.4 PDH)

31) NAPS Certified Floodplain Surveyor Program (Category 1 or 3)

Presenter: Bart Crattie, LS in two states, CFS and CFM

The surveyor is well-versed in measurement, property law, history, mathematics and numerable topics related to surveying. This program is designed to enable the surveyor to learn much that has been within the discipline of floodplain management, thus filling the gap between land surveying and floodplain management. Attending this program and passing the exam allows participants to show that they have the particular expertise required to be recognized as Certified Floodplain Surveyor and an authority in the field. A history of the National Flood Insurance Program and the legislation passed to enact it will be covered, flood insurance and its impact on the community, various Federal, State and local laws and ordinances. the nuances of RR 2.0, correctly completing the Elevation Certificate and the paperwork required to apply for Letters of Map Change among other topics are all at the heart of the overall instruction. To participate and to become a CFS will enhance your licensure, perhaps lower financial liability and boost your bottom line. Most importantly, you will have taken an active step in protecting the safety, health and welfare of the general public.

32) Drone Survey Accuracy, and How to Prove it (Category 3)

Presenter: Logan Campbell, the Founder and CEO of Aerotas

Drones are used more and more in land surveying, but many questions about accuracy remain. Especially in a world where inexperienced users often create bad data with drones, the actual users of drone data are rightly concerned with their accuracy. In this presentation, we will cover exactly how accurate drone surveys can be, how to get there, and most importantly, how to measure and prove it to data users down the line.

33) Do I Own, what I Possess (Category 3)

Presenter: Bruce Blair, Professional land surveyor in 3 states

How often, when we perform a proper professional land survey, we find that the field does not agree with the title (deed)?do we just take the math, find a few points that seem to agree with the deed and set the boundary based on a "best fit"? What do we do when we find discrepancy with adjoining owners? What do we do if the deed calls (if any) are no longer available? This presentation will attempt to reconcile the title and survey taking into account such things as (a) adverse possession, (b) acquiescence, (c) area gores and overlaps, (d) senior and junior rights, (e) belligerent landowners and the resulting legal complaints. A few cases will be discussed and input from the audience is encouraged. 

34) Wisconsin Society of Land Surveyors Annual Meeting (Category 3)

This session focuses on the WSLS accomplishments of the past year and looks forward to 2024. 

​35) Vendor Session: TBA

36) Vendor Session: TBA

 5:00-5:45 p.m. | Foundation Social Hour and Raffle

This entertaining event offers attendees a chance to bid on great items including cash prizes and many others. Items will be available for viewing throughout the Institute in the Foundation Booth. A cash bar will be available.

 6-8 p.m. | Banquet and Scholarship Award Ceremony

Join us for an evening of celebration, where we will honor exceptional surveyors. The Banquet and Awards will recognize new licenses, Map/Plat contest winners, Trig-Star winners, and other Annual Awards. Scholarship recipients will be recognized and the 2023 President will pass the gavel to the new 2024 President. Tickets are required for entry and are included in the cost of the Full Institute. Banquet tickets will be collected at the door at the start of the Banquet on January 25, 2024. On-site banquet tickets are limited, so be sure to purchase your ticket for spouses and/or guests in advance!

​Friday, January 26, 2024

 8:20-10 a.m. | Breakout Sessions 37-42 (2.0 PDH)

37) Online Record Research (Category 3)

Presenters: David Vogel

                     Michelle Lasco, Commercial Title Examiner Supervisor

Presenting to the surveyors how they can find recorded documents online and what programs to use. I will begin with a brief overview of the websites they can utilize. Next will show them how to search the register of deeds sites to find recorded documents. Briefly touch on when they need to go to the courthouse. ​

​38) Historic Preservation and Public Works (Category 3)

Presenter: Felipe Avila

Federal and state laws require that historic preservation be taken into account for any project using public money or requiring permits from state agencies. This talk will look at historic preservation laws and how they could impact your project. We will also look at a few real life examples for how projects dealt with and worked through conflicts with historic properties.

39) Ethics - A Practical Look at the Real World of Ethics (Category 2)

Presenter: Steven Sorenson, Juris Doctorate and Real Estate Law Educational Specialist.

Ethics are something everyone talks about and regulators reference regularly but there is often a large discrepancy between the "Black Letter Rules" and the practical application of those rules out in the field. This program will review the actual rules and discuss the application of those rules to every day situations that face the licensed land surveyor. The presentation will explore the various contradictions and quandaries that a land surveyor must face when trying to meet the needs of the client while stay within the boundaries established by the Code of Ethics they are sworn to uphold. The presentation will also look at the differences between ethics and governmental standards established by the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services. The audience will be encouraged to share their own dilemmas, challenging the presenter to outline proper resolutions of the presented fact scenarios. So bring your questions and be prepared for a very interactive program.

40) Women's Surveyors Summit Recap & Surveying at the International Level ( Category 3)

Presenters: Netty Harley, PLS​

                     Megan Theune-Baillargeon, Young Surveyors Network Member
                      Emily Pierce, PLS​

                     Alysen Tierney, PLS

You will hear from Netty Harley and Emily Pierce on the Women's Surveyors Summit Recap. The Women Surveyors Summit, hosted by Future Surveyors Foundation, is held annually since 2019 to support women in surveying and promote growth in the land surveying profession. Thirteen lady surveyors from Wisconsin attended this year's summit in Stillwater, Minnesota on October 19-22. Topics included the unique surveying history of Stillwater, ALTAs from an underwriter perspective, the Torrens system, racial covenants, hydrographic surveying on Lake Superior, discussion panels on Women owned businesses and promoting land surveying as a career. During this session, they will give the audience a recap on the summit and hear from the Women that attended and how it impacted their career growth. 

Following that, you will hear from Megan Theune-Baillargeon and Alysen Tierney to learn about the International Federation of Surveyors and what their annual, traveling Working Week is like! Come join them to hear about their experience at the 2023 Working Week, opportunities for world travel, and international networking!

41) AE-6 Wisconsin PLS Licensure (Category 1)

Presenters: Howard Herrild, PLS

                     Mark Kamin, PLS

This session will cover Wisconsin Administrative Code Chapter A-E 6. Specifically diving into licensure, educational, and experience requirements for a person seeking to become a Professional Land Surveyor in Wisconsin.

42) Vendor Session: TBA

 10:20 a.m.-12 p.m. | Breakout Sessions 43-48 (2.0 PDH)

43) Tribal Lands - Sovereign Nations Have Land Ri​ghts too (Category 3)

Presenter: Cheri Hipenbecker,​ JD

At the end of January 2023 the Lac du Flambeau Tribe erected barricades over 4 roads within the reservation territory blocking access to the homes of 70+ property owners. Why? Join Cheri in a history tour regarding the Tribe, Indian Lands, Easements over Indian Lands and the current state of Federal Litigation involving the Lac du Flambeau Tribe, the Town of Lac du Flambeau and these 70+ property owners. The end of the story has yet to be told. ​

44) The History of the Wisconsin Society of Land Surveyors and Who We are Today (Category 3)

Presenters: David Mau, Past President

                     Emily Pierce, PLS

David Mau will presenting on the history of our organization. Emily Pierce will give you insight to who we are today.

45)  The Role of the Survey in Municipal Annexation and Detachments (Category 1 or 3)

Presenter: Steven Sorenson, Juris Doctorate and Real Estate Law Educational Specialist.

The growth of metropolitan areas and the resistance of rural areas to urban creep have created an interesting array of different concerns for the citizens of the State of Wisconsin. This presentation will examine the forces behind the growth in Town incorporation, annexation of desirable real estate, the use of string annexation for sewer and water services and similar issues facing the local government who stands to lose or gain property and this tax dollars. A special emphasis will be given to the role of the surveyor in this emerging area of real property development. The presentation will examine the different parties a surveyor may be representing and the different pressures that follow the unique representations. A discussion will be had on how does a surveyor avoid being caught in the middle of the battle that often occurs when one property owner wishes to annex or detach and neighbors do not. It will also look at he role of the surveyor when retained by a governmental unit to give assistance or counsel on issues such as title, boundaries and impact of contiguous conformity rules. Those attending will be asked to share their own stories as the presenter attempts to acquaint the assembled audience with the rules and regulations of the world of annexation and detachment.

46) Wisconsin County Surveyors Association (WCSA) Annual Membership Meeting (Category 3)

​Presenters: Ryan Duckart, PLS

                     Tom Leslie, PLS

This session provides a unique learning opportunity on a wide variety of land surveying topics. While this session serves as the annual membership meeting for the Wisconsin County Surveyors Association, all WSLS members are invited to join in on the discussions and ask questions on the various topics. Representatives from the State Cartographers Office, National Geodetic Survey, and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation will be in attendance to deliver reports and answer questions. The "Friend of Wisconsin Land Surveying Award" will be presented along with recognition of WCSA members accomplishments.

47) Licensing Exam Prep (​Category 3)

Presenter: Conner Christopherson, PLS

An overview of licensing exams required to become a Professional Land Surveyor in Wisconsin from the prospective of a 2020 licensee. Reference materials, study techniques and the importance of licensure will be covered.​​

​​48) Vendor Session: TBA

​2024 Conference Information 

 WSLS Membership

The Wisconsin Society of Land Surveyors wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for our members. Becoming a member of the WSLS will help to keep you up-to-date on issues, laws and regulations that affect the profession of land surveying. Join us in our endeavors of promoting the land surveying profession, improving legislative awareness and enhancing professionalism. We encourage our members to get involved, provide input and be an active participant. 

Organized in 1952, the Wisconsin Society of Land Surveyors (WSLS) is a statewide volunteer organization committed to the advancement of the surveying profession.  The WSLS supports professional land surveyors licensed to practice in Wisconsin, as well as those seeking licensure and Certified Survey Technicians.

The WSLS consists of nine chapters throughout Wisconsin.  Each chapter works diligently within its region, organizing and participating in community and educational events, networking, helping the public access licensed surveyors, and as an advocate in legislation and issues affecting the surveying profession.

For more information about WSLS, click here. To join or renew your WSLS membership, click here.

 ​Whova: Conference App

Join us on Whova!

The following is just a sample of what you will be able to access through Whova:

  • Session Handouts
  • Session Evaluations
  • Institute Agenda
  • Session Room Locations
  • Presenter Bios
  • Networking Opportunities
  • Exhibitor Information

More information will be coming soon, but if you would like a sneak peek, watch the Whova How-To Guide! More information on how to download Whova will be available soon and will be emailed to conference attendees.

Whova User Guide with Sound

Whova User Guide without Sound with Captions


A block of rooms is available at the Kalahari Resort & Convention Center. Reservations should be made online to avoid excessive wait times and resort fees. Rooms are only available at the reduced rate until December 23, 2023 or the resort is sold out. Please reserve your room as soon as possible. If you are unable to book a room at the block rate before December 23, 2023, please contact The UWSP Conference Planning Team at

Are you booking a group of rooms and would like them to be close to one another? Please add a note in the "request" section as you complete your online reservation. These notes are reviewed by Kalahari staff members. 

If you call to make a room reservation, please expect long wait times. The room block is under "WSLS UWSP."

UWSP Continuing Education, the Conference Planning Team, and WSLS do not have control over Kalahari policies or room rates once the room block expires or fills to capacity. A one-night deposit is required at the time of reservation.  

Important Information from the Kalahari
Per their policy, the Kalahari does not accept completed Credit Card Letter of Authorization forms, Tax Exemption forms, nor Purchase Orders at hotel check-in. They have a dedicated team that pre-approves these forms to ensure validity prior to check-in.  These forms should be submitted no later than 7 days prior to check-in via email or fax 608-254-6116.

The Kalahari highly suggests attendees submit these forms at least two weeks in advance of check-in so their team can process them in a timely manner. Failure to follow this procedure may result in full room and tax charges to your personal card, since their Front Desk will not accept these forms at check-in. The Kalahari General Policy Page explains their policies in full detail. 

Kalahari FAQ
Additional Information about Staying at the Kalahari

 ​Professional Development Hours (PDHs)

The 75th Annual Wisconsin Society of Land Surveyors' Institute has been approved for 15.8 Professional Development Hours (PDHs). 

PDHs are endorsed by the Wisconsin Society of Land Surveyors. PDHs are earned in the workshops that you attend during the Institute, not on the workshops indicated when you registered. It is the individual’s responsibility to report PDHs earned to their appropriate credential or licensing board. You will receive your official PDH form via email after the Institute. Copies will be retained by UW-Stevens Point and WSLS.

 ​Become a Certified Surveying Technician

Do you want to become a Certified Surveying Technician? Here's your opportunity!

The WSLS/CST Committee is offering a special testing opportunity on Friday, January 26, 2024, starting at 8:30 a.m. Tests will be given for CST Levels 1, 2, and 3. You must apply for the testing. Application and detailed information on the program can be obtained by clicking h​ere. ​ Applications and fees must be returned to the Wisconsin Society of Land Surveyors by January 12, 2024, at: Wisconsin Society of Land Surveyors, 5119 Pegasus Court, Suite Q, Frederick, MD 21704.​ 


 COVID Policy


At this point, to attend the Institute, WSLS does not have an official mandate on masking or attendee vaccination status/proof of negative test. The situation remains very fluid and, as such, if protocols should change, we will be certain to inform all conference registrants.

Please direct questions or concerns to

 Special Dietary Requests

UWSP Continuing Education works hard to communicate all special meal requests and allergies to the conference venue. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond our control, we cannot guarantee all special dietary needs can be met. If you have dietary needs (i.e., kosher, low salt, low carb, keto, etc.), you may wish to make alternative meal arrangements.

Conference fees cannot be adjusted due to special dietary needs. 

​​ ​

​2024 Cancellation Policy

The full Institute fee includes program materials, program souvenir, certificate of participation, refreshments, two luncheons, and the banquet. The registration fee is completely refundable through Monday, January 15, 2024. Cancellations made between January 15 and January 19, 2024 will be charged a $50/per registrant administrative fee. No refunds granted on or after Friday​, January 21, 2024. Substitutions may be made at any time, but no-shows will be responsible for the full registration fee. On-site registrants will not be guaranteed meals, conference materials and/or complimentary items. Please contact UWSP Continuing Education if you have not received confirmation of your registration at uwspce-conf@uwsp.eduEmail to notify us of a cancellation.

Contact Information

Call UW-Stevens Point Continuing Education at 715-346-3838 for assistance with registration.

Email UW-Stevens Point Conferences at if you need assistance with registration and/or with questions about conference content.

Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least four weeks in advance.  Please contact UW-Stevens Point Continuing Education at