Know Before You Go
Bag Policy: Bags with dimensions of 9"x5"x2" or smaller, diaper bags, and medical/family needs bags are permitted inside the ballpark. For additional information on the bag policy, visit the
Bag Policy page.
Carry-Ins: Sealed bottles of water, juice, or soda (32 oz. or smaller) and personal size food items (e.g., a sandwich, small bags of pretzels, piece of fruit) are all permitted inside the ballpark. Alcohol is NOT allowed.
Limited Cash & Touchless Payments: American Family Field is cashless at the majority of concession stands and at all retail locations and portabel kiosks. Cashless payment options include credit/debit cards, Brewers Gift Cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay or pre-paid cards. Concessions continuing to accept cash payments are: Field Level: Kids' Cafe, Loge Level: Section 213 (sausages), and Terrace Level: Section 424 (Burgers & Custards).
For additional information on fan policies, please visit
Fan Guidelines.
For information on policies relating to guest conduct (alcohol, banners, cameras, etc.), please visit
Guest Conduct.