Learning Is ForEver (LIFE)
Spring 2025 | January - June Classes
Live and Online! You choose how to attend!
Live Training and Classes, Retirement Learning, See Marshfield Offerings, See Stevens Point Offerings, See Wausau Offerings

LIFE Spring 2025 Header
​​​​Spring LIFE - Learning is ForEver

January - June 2025


Learning Is ForEver (LIFE) is a membership-based association of adult learners encouraging lifelong learning through a wide array of classes and field trips that promote intellectual, cultural and social enrichment. Classes are delivered live in person and via Zoom. Most classes are recorded and available to watch on our Canvas page. LIFE also offers a dedicated tech team who is eager to make sure you get the best online experience possible. 

Our program merged the four UW-Stevens Point campus programs into one lifelong learning program (LIFE, PAL, COE, and Learning in Retirement). Our program is open to all lifelong learners wherever you may be, whether that be Wisconsin, across the country, or internationally.

​Member Benefits

  • Variety of classes/events/meetings each semester (in-person, virtual and hybrid options)
  • Field Trips to areas of interest
  • Monthly film, book and social discussions
  • Discount for select UWSP trips and events​
  • Access to Canvas, ​a library of previously recorded classes
  • New friends made from the comfort of your own home or on one of our three campuses
  • Shared learning with friends and family around the world

View or Print Our ​​Current Program Guide 

LIFE Program Guide.png 


​2025 Spring Registration Information

Individual membership: $59 per semester

Registration for Spring 2025!

LIFE Individual Registration.png


Registration Options: Register online using link above, you will be given the option to mail in a check (to help LIFE avoid credit card fees) or pay with credit card. We accept Discover, MasterCard, and Visa.
Print and fill out the paper registration form. Then mail (or drop off in our office,​ Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.) to UW-Stevens Point Continuing Education.

Checks can be made payable and sent to:
UW-Stevens Point​​
Continuing Education and Outreach
2100 Main St., 032 Main Building​
Stevens Point, WI 54481​
Looking for the perfect gift? Look no further!
Purchase a ​LIFE Membership Gift Certificate! - Available Now!

​Log Into Canvas

Select the "UW Continuing Education Student" option.

*You must have already created an account for this button to work. For assistance creating an account, please contact uwspcelife@uwsp.edu.*

​Have a Class Idea? Submit Your Proposal Here!

LIFE Proposal Form Button.png  ​

​Check out our Facebook Page

​Who are We?

​​​Program Information​​

 Donate to LIFE

​​How to Donate


When you donate online, you must indicate our account name or number in order for us to receive your gift. Please follow these instructions.
  • To make a gift, please visit Give Now | UWSP Foundation and select "other designation".
  • Then, type in "3290" or "LIFE (Learning Is For Ever) Endowment" in the "other designation" field.

While registering online, you may simply select the link to donate and follow the instructions regarding our account name/number above,

By mail:

Please fill out our supporter form and mail along with your donation to:

UWSP Foundation 
2100 Main Street, Old Main 134​
Stevens Point, WI 54481

 Why Join LIFE?

We at the LIFE Program believe it is never too late to learn, hence our name, "Learning Is ForEver". With our program roster of up to nearly 80 events, you are sure to find something that interests you! 

You may ask, "Why should I 
join this program when I could just learn on my own?" While learning on your own is certainly something you should do, LIFE provides you the opportunity to learn from and interact with experts in their field who are always eager to answer your questions. You are also given plenty of opportunities to interact with your fellow LIFE members who share your love of learning. Our special interest groups are great for socializing! We currently run a book discussion group and film discussion group. Both are free for you to attend as a LIFE member! 

With our new virtual format, experiencing LIFE is easier than ever before! 
You can participate in classes from most anywhere in the world! Simply click the link you receive in your email each week and you'll be learning in no time! Why wait? Experience LIFE today!

 Becoming a Member

  • ​​Membership in LIFE is open to all adults and retired individuals.
  • This membership organization is affiliated with UW-Stevens Point Continuing Education unit, the lifelong learning branch of the university.
  • To be a current and active member, you must register and pay membership dues each semester (Fall and Spring).
  • Spring membership is January-June and Fall membership is July-December.
  • First time members may join at any time; however, fees are not prorated. ​ 

 Referral Program

Once again we are offering an opportunity for you to get the next Fall semester of LIFE for free! Earning the free membership is easy! All you need to do is recruit two NEW people to join LIFE this semester and write your name in the referral section or email us to let us know you referred them. After two NEW LIFE Members have joined, we will contact you about your free membership for the next semester. It’s that easy!

A few notes:

• A “New Member” is anyone who was not a member during the last two semesters of LIFE (Fall 2024 and Spring 2024).

• This deal does not stack, so if you recruit four new members you receive only one free membership and the gratitude of the LIFE Team.

Email uwspce-life@uwsp.edu with any questions regarding the referral program.​

 LIFE Board of Directors

2024-2025​ Board of Directors

 Ed Miller

Secretary: Richard Ruppel

Treasurer: Betty Kieliszewski

Membership/Promotion: Paul Shogren

Curriculum Chair: Paul Shogren​

Members at Large: Kurt Hase, Pat Kluetz, Teresa Stoltenberg​, and Mike Wrzinski

UWSP CE Staff: Rebecca Bauer and Kelly Bird​

 Volunteer Opportunities

The LIFE program is always looking for volunteers to help make this organization great!

Volunteer Opportunities Include:
  • Leading or coordinating a class or trip
  • Hosting and introducing a class or speaker
  • Serving on the Curriculum Committee
  • Serving as a LIFE Board Member
  • Serving on various committees
  • Dropping off program guides at places around town
  • Writing a letter about LIFE to the editor of your local newspaper
If interested, please contact us at uwspce-life@uwsp.edu or attend any of our committee meetings.

"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether this happens at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps on learning not only remains young but constantly becomes more valuable regardless of physical capacity." ~Harvey Ullman​​

 Frequently Asked Questions

Online Registration

​I forgot my password; can you tell me what it is?

No, we aren't able to retrieve your password, but you can click on "I forgot my password at the bottom of the logon page and you'll receive an email with instructions on how to create a new password via email.

I've NEVER registered online, but I did register for LIFE classes last year. How do I log into my account and register online?
An online account was automatically created for you when you registered. Your email address is your logon, however you will need to change the default password to something you will remember. Enter your email address, click "I have an account," and then click the link that says "I forgot my password" and you'll receive an email with instructions on how to create a new password via email.

Class & Trip Information

Classes are presented by LIFE members, visiting experts, and other community members. They include discussion groups, lectures, field trips, music/theater events and more.  

How do I propose a class?
Anyone, including non-members, may propose a class for the Curriculum Committee's review. Planning for winter/spring classes (classes held January – May) occurs in late August – late October. Planning for summer/fall classes (classes held August – December) occurs in February – April. LIFE does not typically offer classes during the summer. To submit a proposal, please visit the LIFE Class Proposal Form page.

I am on a waiting list. How will I be notified if I can attend?
If space becomes available on a field trip, we will email you. 

Can a non-member join me on an excursion?
You may bring a non-member along on a trip only if space is available or the class is made open to the public. Members receive priority during registration. The non-member must sign a liability form and guest form and hand in to the trip leader in order to attend. Non-members are allowed one guest pass per year.

May I bring an out-of-town guest to a Hybrid class? 
Non-members are allowed one guest pass per year.

How do I find a map or directions to a class or trip?
Maps of all three campus's are located above under Campus Maps.

Where can I find information about the class location?
Class locations are listed in the program guide, in the weekly email, and on the Facebook page.

Membership & Program Information

When will my membership expire? 

Fall Memberships expire late January. Spring Memberships expire end of ​July. Members who take a hiatus for a year or more before registering again are not considered "new" members.

When are the LIFE program guides usually published?
Spring guides are mailed in late December. Fall guides are mailed in late June. 

What is your cancellation policy?
Sorry, no refunds for cancellations. However, for trips and other events with fees you may send a substitute (member or non-member) in your place. Cancellation/substitution notification must be done in writing to uwspce-life@uwsp.edu.

Where can I park on campus?
Metered parking lots for the Stevens Point campus are shown on the UWSP campus map located under Campus Maps. UWSP Marshfield Campus has free parking. At the UWSP Wausau campus it is recommend to park for free in the Marathon County Park parking lot just to the west of the UWSP building.  All other Wausau campus lots require a permit for parking.
Are classes ever cancelled due to weather conditions?
If a Hybrid is schedule and campus is closed due to a snow day, we will notify you via email if the instructor is willing to do a zoom only that day or reschedule the in person for a later date. 
LIFE classes will be cancelled if an instructor cancels class. If an instructor cancels classes, you will be notified via email. A notice will also be posted on the LIFE Facebook page. We will notify you if the instructor is willing to reschedule the class.

 WI Association of Lifelong Learners


The purpose of WALL (Wisconsin Association for Lifelong Learning) is to provide a communication network among all learning in retirement organizations within Wisconsin.


All learning in retirement (LIR) organizations affiliated with or sponsored by post secondary organizations. Each member organization will have one vote expressed by the LIR President or his/her designee.

More Information

​​ ​

​Zoom Tutorial 

Need help with using Zoom? Click here for our Zoom Tutorial Help page! 

​Contact Information

LIFE Email: uwspce-life@uwsp.edu 

Program Manager: Rebecca Bauer, rbauer@uwsp.edu

For registration assistance, contact Customer Service at 715-346-3838 or by email at uwspceweb@uwsp.edu.

"Get over the idea that only children should spend their time in study. Be a student so long as you still have something to learn, and this will mean all your life." 
~Henry L. Doherty


Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. 
Please contact Continuing Education at 715-346-3838 or uwspceweb@uwsp.edu.