
Our campus recognizes the dedication of our faculty and staff through a number of UWSP and UW System awards. For the awards that governance plays a role in, the awards, nomination process, criteria, and forms are included below by category. Please contact the Common Council Office for any awa​rd-related questions. The guidelines are also in the University Handbook, Chapter 6​.

UWSP Regents Awards recipients:

Rebecca Stephens, Professor and Chair, Department of English, received the 2024 Regents Teaching Excellence Award

Carrie Kline, Library Circulation Supervisor, University Libraries, received the 2023 Regents University Staff Excellence Award​



The University Awards, provided for in the Handbook, recognize individuals for teaching, scholarship, and service. Information regarding the Call for Nominations for University Awards (Faculty Excellence in Teaching, Scholarship, and Service, Excellence in Teaching, University Service, and University Scholar awards) is below. Also below are evaluation rubrics that will be used by the University Awards Subcommittee when considering nomination packets in selection of award recipients. The intent in providing the evaluation rubrics is to provide additional guidance to those preparing nomination packets. Nominees or those compiling nomination packets are asked to consult the rubrics to ensure that submitted nomination packets are complete. Please check the University Handbook for specific award eligibility, but these are generally for faculty and academic staff. 

Previous award winners are ineligible for the same award for five years. Please check the list​.

Submit the coversheet and required materials to​.

University Award Nomination Coversheets (click on link, then click File, Save As, and Download a Copy, or click Edit in Word and save a copy for your use​):

University Award Evaluation Rubrics:


The Academic Staff Awards, provided for in the Handbook, recognize two individual academic staff members annually:

  • one academic staff member for their contributions made to the university (Academic Staff Excellence Award) and
  • one academic staff member for demonstrating a commitment to strong community service (Academic Staff Spirit of Community Service Award).

The Academic Staff Excellence Award recognizes an academic staff member (Category A, B, or C) for their contributions made in their unit, department, and/or university. Excellence in performance, personal interaction, initiative and creative, and outstanding achievement are items to consider when making nomination. The Academic Staff Excellence Award recipient receives an award of $2,500.

The Academic Staff Spirit of Community Service Award stresses the importance of service in building and contributing to a healthier community environment on and off campus. Contributions made in mental, social, physical, emotional, intellectual, vocational, spiritual/philosphical, and/or environmental areas should be considered when making nomination. All academic staff members (Category A, B, or C) are eligible for nomination for the Spirit of Community Service Award. The Academic Staff Spirit of Community Service Award recipient receives an award of $1,000.

Academic Staff Awards Nomination Form ​

Academic Staff Awards Rubrics

Academic Staff Awards past recipients​


Carolyn Rolfson Sargis Award       

The Sargis Award is an annual award given to a university staff member in recognition of notable accomplishments and service throughout their career at UW-Stevens Point. To be eligible for this award, the candidate: must have 20 or more years of UWSP service (which can include LTE and project appointment service, but be currently in permanent status; a listing of eligible university staff is provided below), must be making a positive contribution towards the goals and objectives of their unit and the university, should regularly demonstrate professionalism in working relationships and contacts within and outside the university community, and should show a commitment to personal growth and community service. 

The recipient of​ the Sargis Award receives a $2,500 award.

Outstanding Work Performance Award

The Outstanding Work Performance A​wards recognize individuals for performance far beyond what is normally expected, including, but not limited to, taking on additional responsibilities or increased workload, accepting and completing special projects not part of the normal work duties, developing or modifying procedures, or exhibiting behavior that enhances the workplace, resulting in increased effectiveness and efficiency of service offered by the work unit or university. 

Up to four recipients of the Outstanding Work Performance award will receive awards of $1,000. 

University staff are eligible for the Outstanding Work Performance Award if they were employed with UW-Stevens Point during the entire previous calendar year (January 1-December 31) for at least 700 hours (34% FTE) as university staff and did not receive an award in the previous two years. 

University Staff Service Award        

The University Staff Service Award recognizes one individual for time and effort voluntarily given to the university community; time and effort not considered part of the normal work assignment. Including, but not limited to, involvement in campus committees, or assistance to staff, students, or campus organizations. The result of this involvement is increased positive perception of the university within the community or enhancing the ability of the university to accomplish its mission. 

The recipient of the University Staff Service Award receives an award of $1,000. 

University staff are eligibl​e for the Service Award if they were employed with UW-Stevens Point during the entire previous calendar year (January 1-December 31) for at least 700 hours (34% FTE) as university staff and did not receive an award in the previous two years. 


The Regents Teaching Excellence Awards have two categories: One is for an individual faculty or instructional academic staff member in recognition of an outstanding career achievement in teaching (minimum of 10 years teaching experience in the UW System). The other is given to an academic department, program, or other academic unit which demonstrates exceptional commitment to and effectiveness in teaching and learning. 

Each campus within the UW System is limited to one individual faculty or instructional academic staff member nomination and one department nomination to the Regents Award Committee for consideration. Two $7,500 awards are made to individual faculty and in structional academic staff members within the UW System, and one $7,500 award is made to an academic department, program or other academic unit within the UW System. 

Each college at UWSP is entitled to nominate one nominee for each category. The University Awards Subcommittee will choose the nominees to be forwarded to UWSP Administration.    

For more information on the nature of the awards, past awardees, and criteria, please see


The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents sponsors several awards recognizing the excellence of UW System staff and programs. Recipients are chosen by special committees composed of Board of Regents members and are honored at Board meetings throughout the year.

The purpose of the Regents Academic Staff Excellence Awards is to recognize the dedicated work, vital services, and outstanding contributions of the UW System's non-instructional academic staff.

Two awards of $7,500 each will be made to non-instructional administrative or professional academic staff members in recognition of their exceptional service too the university. The funds for these awards are designated to support professional development or other activities approved by the recipients that enhance a university program or function.

One $7,500 award will be made to a program primarilty staffed by non-instructional administrative and professional academic staff in recognition of the important role played by academic staff in supporting students and their success. The funds for this award are designated to support program enhancements.

The UWSP nominee for the individual UW System Regents Academic Staff Excellence Award will be the recipient of the prior year Academic Staff Excellence Award, if eligible. Each fall, the Academic Staff Awards Subcommittee will call for nominations for the program nominee.

For more information on the nature of the awards, past awardees, and criteria, please see


The purpose of the Regents University Staff Excellence Awards is to recognize the dedicated work, vital services, initiative, and outstanding contributions of the UW System’s university staff.

  • Individual Awards: Two awards of $7,500 each will be made to university staff members in recognition of their exceptional service to the university. The funds for these awards are designated to support professional development or other activities approved by the recipients that enhance a university program or function.
  • Program Award: One award of $7,500 will be made to a program staffed primarily by university staff in recognition of the important role played by university staff in supporting the UW System mission, priorities, or programs. The funds for the program award are designated to support program enhancements such as the staff recipients' professional development or program-related supplies and expenses, or for other activities approved by the recipients that enhance a university program or function.

A Board of Regents awards committee will select the recipients, who will be publicly recognized at an awards presentation during one of the Board’s meetings. In addition, all nominees will be recognized by the Board of Regents and in UW System announcements and press releases.

The awards process is administered by the systemwide Office of Academic and Student Affairs. UWSP may submit one nomination per category (Individual and Program) for a maximum of two nominations. The UWSP nominee for the individual UW System Regents University Staff Excellence Award will be drawn from the previous year awards winners, as eligible, beginning with the Sargis Award winner. Each spring, the University Staff Awards Subcommittee will call for nominations for the program nominee.



Outstanding faculty and staff members were recognized recently at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point for their work.  

Academic Staff Excellence Award
   Brittany Kaminski, University Communications and Marketing

Academic Staff Sp​irit of Community Service Award
   Jennifer Hess, Continuing Education and Outreach

University Excellence in Teaching, Scholarship and Service Award​
   Jennifer CollinsCollege of Letters & Science - Department of Political Science​

Excellence in Teaching Award
   Lindsay Dresang, College of Letters and Science - Department of Biology
   Heather Molenda-Figueira, College of Letters and Science - Department of Psychology  
   Jesse Mossholder, College of Professional Studies - School of Education    
   Ryan O'Leary, College of Letters and Science - Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
   Neil Prendergast, College of Letters and Science - Department of History and International Studies 

University Scholar Award
   Maggie Bohm-Jordan, College of Letters and Science - Department of Sociology and Social Work  
   Joe Mondloch, College of Letters and Science - Department of Chemistry

University Service Award
   Valerie Barske, College of Letters and Science - Department of History and International Studies  
   Rayvn Knipple, College of Professional Studies - School of Education 
   Paul Whitaker, College of Letters and Science - Department of Biology

University Staff - Carolyn Rolfson Sargis Award
   Dave Cummings, University Policy and Security Services

Outstanding Work Performance Award
   Kelly Bird, Continuing Education and Outreach
   Randy Lutz, Facility Services 
   Kelly Pickett, Facility Services​
   Erin Raikowski, University Centers  

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