Have questions about Summer Field Experience (SFE)? Schedule a one-on-one meeting with a CNR Student Success Center (SSC) Peer Mentor using this Navigate link​. Make sure to choose the “CNR SSC: Summer Field Experience Questions” service option. CNR SSC Peer Mentors are available during most weeks of the semester. If the times available don’t work for you, please email cnrsfe@uwsp.edu with any specific questions. ​


In-State Summer Field Experience (SFE) 2025 (Application CLOSED)

Treehaven & Campus based 6-week ses​sions:

CWES - NRES 385/475 (2-week field experience for Europe, Kenya, Waste Management & Select Transfer Students)​

Plant List ​for Treehaven, Campus, and CWES (updated 2/14/24)
​​Tips and Tricks for the Plant ID Exam (video with CNR SSC Peer Mentor)​


​SFE Teaching Assistant 2025​ (Application Closed)

Application is closed. ​Applications will be reviewed as we receive them and applicants will be selected by early December.


European Summer Field Experience 2025 (Application Closed)

Students planning to attend the European Environmental Studies Seminar (an alternative to the traditional summer field experience at Treehaven, CWES, or campus) need to fill out a pre-application. Once we know who is interested and student applications are ranked, you will be notified by November 8th if accepted or put on a waitlist. If you are accepted, you will receive an official application from the Office of International Education to then fill out.  


Kenya Summer Field Experience 2025​ (Application Closed)​