Diaminochlorotriazine (DACT) Screen ($40)
Detects agricultural chemicals called
triazines. Triazines are a class of herbicides that include atrazine,
simazine, and cyanazine. The DACT screen is an approximate test that is
performed as an inexpensive alternative to a more detailed test. It is
a useful first step in determining whether your water is being impacted
by pesticides and below health-based standards for triazine type
Nitrogen and Phosphorus (N/P) Containing Pesticides ($150)
This test is for those who have a reason to suspect contamination
(other than atrazine). We recommend homeowners have their water
tested for nitrate (see "Homeowner Package") before choosing this test. These pesticides
are more commonly used in Wisconsin agriculture. Again, this test
doesn't cover all pesticides.
Acetochlor |
Dyfonate |
Propachlor |
Atrazine |
EPTC (Eptam) |
Propazine |
De-ethyl Atrazine |
Ethafluralin |
Simazine |
De-isoprophyl Atrazine |
Metolachlor (Dual) |
Terbufos |
Alachlor (Lasso) |
Metribuzin (Sencor) |
Triallate |
Chlorpyrifos |
Pendimethalin |
Trifluralin |
Cyanazine (Bladex) |
Phorate |
Dimethinamid |
Prometon |
Chloroacetanilide Herbicide Metabolites (CAAMs) - ($125)
These chemicals are from herbicides (alachlor, acetochlor, and
metolachlor) that have replaced atrazine. While these parent herbicides
normally degrade in the top soil, they form ethane sulfonic acid (ESA)
and oxanillic acid (OA) degradates which can penetrate to groundwater.
They have been found in groundwater in many of the agricultural areas of
the state of Wisconsin.
At this time, there is little known regarding the health
implications of drinking water contaminated with these chemicals. The
only DNR regulatory standard that exists is for Alachlor ESA. It has a
standard of 20 ppb.
Alachlor ESA |
Metolachlor ESA |
Alachlor OA |
Metolachlor OA |
NP/CAAM - Discounted Package - (Greatest Value - $216)
This package includes all of the compounds from the Nitrogen and Phosphorus Containing Pesticides (N/P Pesticides) and Chloroacetanilide Metabolite Pesticides (CAAMs) packages. While it does not test for all pesticides it is the most extensive pesticide package that the Water and Environmental Analysis Lab offers and covers many of the commonly detected pesticides found in Wisconsin's groundwater.
Neoniconinoid Insecticides ($220)
Neonicotinoids are broad spectrum insecticides used on agricultural fields, gardens, pets, and in homes.
Neonicotinoid pesticides are similar to nicotine in their structure and are designed to act on nicotine receptors of insects that result in paralysis and death. These compounds have not been used for as long a period of time as other pesticides and are currently less frequently detected in well water, however the occurrence of neonicotinoid compounds may increase as newer water replaces older water within our groundwater aquifers.