Groundwater Model Workshops: Application & Resources
Groundwater supplies drinking water to the majority of Wisconsin citizens; and it is important that students understand where their drinking water comes from and how to protect it. Groundwater is a component of physical and environmental science curriculums, however it can be difficult for students to understand.
The sand-tank groundwater model is an invaluable tool for helping visualize the movement of groundwater and pollutants through underground materials.
Benefits of attending this 1-day workshop:
- Receive a FREE sand-tank groundwater model for your school or organization
- Experience with hands-on, place-based lessons to help you feel more confident teaching your students about groundwater.
- Receive additional resources to guide student learning and meet NGSS standards!
Reimbursement available should your school need a substitute teacher to cover your classes while you attend the workshop.
The training is provided by staff from the Wisconsin DNR, the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, UW-Stevens Point Center for Watershed Science and Education, and the UW-Madison, Division of Extension's Natural Resources Institute. Funding for the groundwater workshops comes from a wellhead protection "setaside" grant given to the DNR by the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
How to Attend the Workshop:
You must first apply to be considered for this workshop. Any Wisconsin teacher, naturalist, or other educators who teach about groundwater are eligible to apply. Twenty educators will be selected. If you are accepted, you will have the opportunity to attend a one-day workshop and receive a FREE groundwater model for their school, nature center, or organization. Those selected will be expected to:
1. Participate in one of the following one-day training sessions.
- Wednesday April 16th, 2025 @ Treehaven UWSP, W2540 Pickerel Creek Rd, Tomahawk, WI 54487
- Tuesday, April 29th, 2025 @ Upham Woods Outdoor Learning Center, N194 County Rd N, Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965
2. Agree to incorporate the model into your curriculum or educational programming
3. Agree to demonstrate the groundwater model with 15 or more students annually
4. Agree to perform at least one activity that has a "take-home" component
5. Complete and submit a pre/post workshop evaluation.
Please note: Because the funding is from the Wisconsin DNR, the workshop is limited to educators that teach in the state of Wisconsin.
The application should only take 10-15 minutes to complete.
All applications received on or before Saturday, February 15th, 2025 will be considered.
Questions about the workshop can be directed to contact Kevin Masarik,, 715-346-4276.
What past participants have said about the workshops
We recently evaluated the effectiveness of the groundwater models and the workshops that have been conducted in the past.
Click here to view the Executive Summary
Workshop Resources:
Additional groundwater related video links
Aquifer penetration using Groundwater Model - YouTube
Groundwater Model Demo with Captions - YouTube
Little Plover River Pump Test - YouTube
What's Wrong With My Water? - Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
WI Well Water Quality Viewer - Search for well water quality information in your community using this interactive mapping viewer.
Ordering Groundwater Model Parts and Supplies
UWSP Groundwater Model Project - for ordering extra parts or model repair