Zimmerman Prairie will be expanded
Kayaking on Lake Joanis in Schmeeckle

Outdoor Gear Rentals

Schmeeckle Reserve is your source for outdoor equipment rentals in central Wisconsin. We offer a variety of paddling and winter recreation gear, including canoes, kayaks, paddle boards, snowshoes, and cross-country skis. Gear can be used at Schmeeckle or taken off-site to wherever your adventures lead.

See below for our inventory and prices. Join the Friends of Schmeeckle Reserve for special discounts

Group rates of 15% off are also available when 5 or more of the same items are rented together.

Location: Schmeeckle Reserve Visitor Center, 2419 North Point Drive, Stevens Point

Cross-country skis can be rented at Schmeeckle
Cross-country skiing at Schmeeckle

Outdoor Gear Rentals

Schmeeckle Reserve is your source for outdoor equipment rentals in central Wisconsin. We offer a variety of paddling and winter recreation gear, including canoes, kayaks, paddle boards, snowshoes, and cross-country skis. Gear can be used at Schmeeckle or taken off-site to wherever your adventures lead.

See below for our inventory and prices. Join the Friends of Schmeeckle Reserve for special discounts!

Group rates of 15% off are also available when 5 or more of the same items are rented together.

Location: Schmeeckle Reserve Visitor Center, 2419 North Point Drive, Stevens Point


Renting and Reserving Equipment

Drop-in rentals: Rentals are available on a first come, first served basis during regular operating hours at the Schmeeckle Reserve Visitor Center (Monday-Friday: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday-Sunday: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.)

Reservations: Reservations for outdoor gear can be made in advance, if you plan to pick up equipment no less than 48 hours in the future. Gear pickup and drop off must be scheduled during the regular operating hours of the visitor center (Monday-Friday: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday-Sunday: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.). To make your reservation request, use our online form by clicking below.

Click here to reserve your outdoor equipment (pick up time no less than 48 hours in the future)

Outdoor Rental Gear at Schmeeckle

Click a category below to see the gear available to rent at Schmeeckle.

 Winter Sports


Our inventory of durable snowshoes includes those made by Redfeather (La Crosse, WI), Crescent Moon (Boulder, CO), and Northern Lites. Snowshoes are sized based on the total weight of the user and their gear. Small sizes are for weights up to 175 pounds, medium sizes are up to 200 pounds, and large sizes are up to 250 pounds.

​First day (return
same day)

Each additional
​Weekend rate
​Regular prices ​$10 ​$5 ​$20
​Friends member prices ​$7 ​$4 ​$14


Cross-Country Ski Packages

Our cross-country ski packages include high-quality Salomon or Atomic classic skis sized at 182-206 cm, poles sized at 130-160 cm, and ski boots sized at 36-50 EU (U.S. Men's 4.5-15 and U.S. Women's 5-13). Click here for sizing recommendations.

​First day (return
same day)

Each additional
​Weekend rate
​Regular prices ​$15 ​$7 ​$30
​Friends member prices ​$12 ​$6 ​$24



 Paddling Sports

Canoe on Lake Joanis in Schmeeckle

Canoe or Kayak Lake Joanis

Looking to enjoy Schmeeckle Reserve from the water? Rent a canoe or kayak to paddle Lake Joanis! Several boats are available at the south shore launch for an easy and convenient paddling trip for one or more people. Just stop by the visitor center to pick up keys, paddles, and life jackets. Kid-sized life jackets are available. Items must be returned before the visitor center closes for the day. View sizing guide for paddles and PFDs.

​First canoe/kayak rented
(return same day)
Each additional canoe/kayak
rented at the same time
​Regular prices ​$15 ​$10
​Friends member prices ​$10 ​$5


Schmeeckle canoes

Canoe Packages

Durable fiberglass and polyethylene canoes are the perfect choice for one or two people in all types of water. Our inventory includes Old Town Canoes, Mad River Canoes, and Wenonah Canoes. Packages include paddles, life jackets, and foam pads and tie-down straps for attaching to a vehicle. View sizing guide for paddles and PFDs.

​First day (return
same day)
Each add.
​Weekend rate
Weekly rate
(6 nights)
​Regular prices ​$30 ​$15 ​$55 ​$90
​Friends member prices
​$25 ​$12 ​$45 ​$75


Schmeeckle kayaks

Single Kayak Packages

Lightweight single kayaks are the perfect way to explore waterways. We offer recreational kayaks from Perception Kayaks and longer sea touring kayaks from Old Town. Packages include paddles, life jackets, and foam pads and tie-down straps for attaching to a vehicle. View sizing guide for paddles and PFDs.

First day (return
same day)
Each add.
​Weekend rate
Weekly rate
(6 nights)
​Regular prices ​$25 ​$12 ​$45 ​$75
​Friends member prices
​$20 ​$10 ​$35 ​$60


Schmeeckle tandem kayak

Tandem 2-person Kayak Package

Our tandem kayak from Perception Kayaks is a fun way for two people to enjoy the water. A slip-in child seat is available for this kayak, allowing a little one to join in the fun. The package includes paddles, life jackets, and foam pads and tie-down straps for attaching to a vehicle. Only one tandem kayak is available for rent. View sizing guide for paddles and PFDs.

First day (return
same day)
Each add.
​Weekend rate
Weekly rate
(6 nights)
​Regular prices ​$30 ​$15 ​$55 ​$90
​Friends member prices
​$25 ​$12 ​$45 ​$75


Schmeeckle paddle board rental

Paddle Board Package

Stand up paddle boards are a unique and fun way to experience the waters of Wisconsin. Rent our BIC Sport paddle boards for an elevated journey. Packages include: paddles, life jackets, and foam pads and tie-down straps for attaching to a vehicle. Only two paddle boards are available for rent. Note: Paddle boards are not allowed on Lake Joanis in Schmeeckle. They must be taken off-site. View sizing guide for paddles and PFDs.

First day (return
same day)
Each add.
​Weekend rate
Weekly rate
(6 nights)
​Regular prices ​$30 ​$15 ​$55 ​$90
​Friends member prices
​$25 ​$12 ​$45 ​$75


Schmeeckle dry bags

Dry Bags

Waterproof dry bags protect your gear even in the wettest conditions. We offer several different sizes, including large 115-Liter bags, medium 80-Liter bags, and small personal-sized bags.

First day (return
same day)
Each add.
​Weekend rate
Weekly rate
(6 nights)
​Regular prices ​$6 ​$3 ​$10 ​$18
​Friends member prices
​$5 ​$2 ​$8 ​$15


Schmeeckle canoe/kayak trailer

Canoe/Kayak Trailer

For larger groups, we offer a canoe/kayak trailer that can haul up to 8 canoes, kayaks, and/or paddle boards at a time. A cargo box in the middle of the trailer is a perfect storage space for paddles, life jackets, and other items. The trailer hooks up to a standard 2-inch ball hitch and requires a four-pin flat connector for its lights. The trailer comes with rubber straps to secure the boats. Canoes, kayaks, and paddle boards are rented separately.

First day (return
same day)
Each add.
​Weekend rate
Weekly rate
(6 nights)
​Regular prices ​$40 ​$20 ​$70 ​$120
​Friends member prices
​$33 ​$17 ​$58 ​$100


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