Learn how you can use zoning in groundwater protection for your community.
Zoning as a Tool in Groundwater Protection - video recording
Zoning as a Tool in Groundwater Protection - PowerPoint in PDF format
Zoning as a Tool in Groundwater Protection - PowerPoint
Wisconsin Well Water Quality Viewer: Private Well Data for Wisconsin includes nitrate and pesticide concentrations.
Visit the website
Protecting Wisconsin's Groundwater through Comprehensive Planning: A website to help communities identify relevant data, goals, and policies in their comprehensive plans. Note: this website was created in 2007, so data is old.
Introduction to Zoning: Segments on different parts of zoning with explanations and short videos.
To Play the Game - You Need to Know the Rules: Town-county relationships in zoning administration (2 pages). Towns and counties have separate, well-defined roles in adoption, amendment and exceptions to general zoning.
Zoning (34 pages). Zoning is one tool used to carry out community goals and objectives as set forth in a comprehensive or land use plan. This compilation by Struck covers such topics as zoning powers and developing a zoning ordinance to extraterritorial zoning.