The Aquatic Biomonitoring Laboratory, affiliated with the
Wisconsin Cooperative Fishery Research Unit, is housed in the
College of Natural Resources at the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point. The Aquatic Biomonitoring Laboratory analyzes benthic macroinvertebrate samples to assess the ecological condition and environmental quality at sampled locations. The Aquatic Biomonitoring Laboratory was established in 1985 under the guidance of Dr. Stanley W. Szczytko (retired 2012) to provide benthic macroinvertebrate sample processing to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and other regional resource management agencies.

Jeff Dimick supervises the day-to-day activities of the Aquatic Biomonitoring Laboratory. His 35 years of experience with benthic macroinvertebrates, aka bottom-dwelling water bugs, provides him with the background to understand the ecology of these unique organisms. The environmental clues hiding in the presence and abundance of macroinvertebrates in a benthic community are the bases for developing inferences to the ecological condition of a sample location.
Undergraduate students perform many of the sample processing services in the Aquatic Biomonitoring Laboratory.
Student opportunities exist as direct employment, financial aid assistance through the work study program, for-credit experience and volunteerism. These opportunities develop settings to train future aquatic ecology professionals and conduct stream ecology research.