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The Wisconsin Lake Leader's Institute

Training Leaders to Take Care of Wisconsin's Lakes

Session II Readings

Limnology 101
Interdisciplinary Research on Lakes in A Regional Context
National Trends In Lakes
Lake Management Planning
Planning with purpose: scope it out.  2006-Summer.  Lake Tides 31(3): pp. 10-11.  Jeffrey Thornton, Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission and Carroll Schaal, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
Vilas County Lakes Resource Guide. 2001. Tiffany Lyden, Vilas County Land and Water Conservation Department. 34 pp.
Components of Watershed-Based Plans (EPA’s “Nine Key Elements Environmental Protection Agency. 1 page.
Theme: Lakeshore Critical Habitat Protection
An Introduction to Lakeshore Critical Habitats.  Paul Cunningham, WDNR et al.  11 pp.
Extra credit picks:
A model lake plan for a local community. 1994. Lowell Klessig, Buzz Sorge, Robert Korth, Michael Dresen, and Jeff Bode.  G3606 UWEX / Wisconsin Lakes Partnership. 34 pp.
Chapter 2. Overview of Watershed Planning Process from the EPA “Handbook for Developing Watershed Plans to Restore and Protect Our Waters,” published in March 2008. The reference number is EPA 841-B-08-002. You can find the entire document at: < >. 19 pp.
    • COMING TOGETHER FOR CLEAN WATER: EPA’s STRATEGY FOR ACHIEVING CLEAN WATER Public Discussion Draft – August 2010. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is inviting the public to comment on the agency's draft strategy to protect and restore our nation's lakes, streams and coastal waters. The strategy, "Coming Together for Clean Water: EPA's Strategy for Achieving Clean Water," is designed to chart EPA's path in furthering EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson's key priority of protecting America's waters.       The strategy was developed by considering the input and ideas generated at the April "Coming Together for Clean Water" forum as well as comments received through the online discussion forum. Participants shared their perspectives on how to advance the EPA's clean water agenda focusing on the agency's two priority areas: healthy watersheds and sustainable communities. EPA is now inviting the public to consider and provide their comments on the approaches outlined in the strategy. Public comments on the draft strategy should be submitted by September 17. EPA will review all comments and post a final strategy later in the year.

The lake in your community. 1994. Lowell Klessig, Nicolaas Bouwes, and Douglas Yanggen.  G3216 UWEX / Wisconsin Lakes Partnership. 28 pp.

Lake Pocket Book. A 176-page guide that provides explanations of aquatic chemistry; lake ecology and biology; collecting lake information and how to use it; developing lake management plans and organizing a lake association- all presented in plain English. This easy-to-understand style combined with its in-depth information has made The Lake Pocket Book an extremely popular publication among citizen lake lovers.
Copyright © 1993- University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and University of Wisconsin Board of Regents