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In conjunction with the 2017 Wisconsin Lakes Partnership Convention, we are proud to announce that Stevens Point will also be hosting a unique summit curated by our keynote speaker, Wallace J. Nichols. This summit is distinct from the Lakes Convention but is an option for Convention attendees to sign up for (rather than the Wednesday workshops). 

BLUE MIND 7: The Seven Ages of Water is the seventh annual convening of interdisciplinary professionals working at the intersection of brain science and conservation that has resulted in the New York Times best seller, Blue Mind: The Science That Shows How Being Near, In, On, or Under Water Can Make You Happier, Healthier, More Connected and Better at What You Do by Dr. Wallace J Nichols.

Join the Blue Mind conversation as top brain scientists, oceanographers, explorers, educators, psychologists, and artists come together to consider the deep connection to our water planet as well as the cognitive, emotional, psychological, social and spiritual benefits of keeping it healthy!

This years' summit will dive deep into our lifelong connection to water and how it directly intersects each stage of our lives. This will be reflected in the exploration of the first two stages of life, defined by Birth and Play, and the last two, Ebb & Flow and Death as well as our active, productive, and reproductive adult years, when we become The Lover, The Fighter, and The Justice. Seeing our lives through these overlapping stages and the abundant universal lens of water provides fascinating insights into how to live better, healthier, more productive, and fulfilling lives.  

The conversations experienced will be as enlightening as they are inspiring and the connections made at Blue Mind summits are often lifelong bonds. Don't miss this journey into the world of neuro-conservation! Be sure to join us at Blue Mind 7 and be prepared to change the way you think, feel + act toward water... forever.

Blue Mind. Reconnecting People to Water.
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Tuesday April 4
6:00 pm

Blue Mind Campus Keynote Presentation
Dr. Wallace J. Nichols, founder of Blue Mind Life, at the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point Dreyfus University Center.

Wednesday April 5
8:00 am-5:00 pm

Blue Mind 7: The Seven Ages of Water
Sentry World Event Center in Stevens Point (pre-registration required)
Join Dr. Nichols and the Blue Mind Tribe as we explore a lifetime of water. Registration for Blue Mind 7 includes breaks, lunch, and daylong program curated by Blue Mind.

Contact Julie Starke with questions about the summit agenda:


​​Wednesday April 5
7:00-11:00 pm

Welcome Reception
Stevens Point Holiday Inn Convention Center
Join us for a combined welcome reception for the Wisconsin Lakes Partnership Convention and Blue Mind. Food, drinks, music and more. Connect with fellow Blue Minds or make new relationships in Wisconsin and the Midwest.

​​Thursday April 6
8:00-9:00 am

Blue Mind Morning Gathering
Stevens Point Holiday Inn Convention Center
Join us for a "check in" gathering with the Blue Mind Tribe before some folks check out and begin their journeys home. Others will be staying in Stevens Point to take in the Lakes Partnership Convention (see below).

* * * optional extensions * * *

​​Thursday April 6
8:00 am-5:00 pm
Wisconsin Lakes Partnership Convention
Stevens Point Holiday Inn Convention Center
Join hundreds of lake and water lovers from around the Midwest as we celebrate this year's theme Minding our Waters. Wallace J. Nichols will present the morning's Go Deeper keynote, and there will be a Blue Mind topical stream among 5 additional research and outreach streams, totaling over 25 different presentations and a poster session. We will also be convening an afternoon conversation outlining what a college-level Blue Mind course might entail and help set the groundwork for a long term project to include Blue Mind's interdisciplinary perspective on water and people in higher education. Click here for full Convention agenda.

Friday April 7
8:00 am-4:00 pm

Wisconsin Lakes Partnership Convention
Stevens Point Holiday Inn Convention Center
Additional presentations on water and lakes, featuring the Water Action Volunteers stream monitoring program and more. Optional half-day workshop practicing the art of story telling as science communication. Click here for full Convention agenda. Workshops on Friday afternoon are a la carte.



This presenter list will be updated as details are confirmed.


Click here to read an article about Dr. Claybaugh.

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Most of the production costs for the Blue Mind Summit have been generously donated or covered by sponsors; a registration fee of $95 ($45 for active students) covers the costs of lunch, breaks, and AV. We also have a block of rooms at the Stevens Point Holiday Inn for $109.99 (rate is the same regardless of occupancy). This hotel is also the location of the Wednesday night reception.


Stevens Point is located along the Wisconsin River in the center of the state, about 240 miles north of Chicago. The nearest airport is the Central Wisconsin Airport (CWA) with daily connections to Minneapolis, Chicago, and Detroit. The University of Wisconsin campus at Stevens Point is home to the nation's first Conservation Education program, started in the 1930s, and the campus' College of Natural Resources is among the largest undergraduate natural resource programs in the country. Stevens Point is also home to the National Wellness Institute, and the campus offered the nation's first accredited health promotion/ wellness degrees for undergraduate students.


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