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Concurrent Session 9
60 minutes

April 1, 2016 ~ 3:00-4:00 pm

Agenda subject to change.

Monitoring Beyond the Lake - Friday, 3:00-4:00 pm

Grande Cheese: Partnering in the Rock and Lower Sugar River Watersheds

We all live, work, and play in a watershed. When watershed organizations are looking for partners, they should consider the businesses in the watershed. Conversely, businesses, especially those that have a vested interest in the watershed, should be looking for partners to help leverage their objectives. Grande Cheese is a Wisconsin-based cheese company that has eight facilities in the State. All of the plants that discharge to waters of the State are facing new phosphorus regulations. Water quality trading and adaptive management are two watershed strategies that they may pursue to help meet the new regulations. Both of these strategies require watershed partners to make them happen. This presentation will review how Grande has addressed these in the Rock River and Lower Sugar River Watersheds, as well as the results from their activities.

Pat Cardiff, Grande Cheese Company

From Monitoring to Planting: Knocking out Knotweed on Badfish Creek in Rock County

In the summer of 2008, members of the Friends of Badfish Creek found a pioneer patch of invasive knotweed on the creek banks while participating in the citizen monitoring program Project RED (Riverine Early Detectors). This presentation charts the successes and challenges of taking a project from the early detection/monitoring stage, through the grant development process and ultimately control and replanting. This talk will review tips for tackling the grant process and strategies for engaging landowners and volunteers, as well as how to cope with the ongoing challenges of an aggressive invasive species. This small but mighty project serves as a great example of how volunteer monitoring can spark community engagement and healthier streams.

Lynne Diebel, Chair Friends of the Badfish Creek and member of the River Alliance, Wisconsin

Ecology - Friday, 3:00-4:00 pm

Blue-green Algae in Wisconsin

Did you know that blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) live in all of Wisconsin’s lakes and rivers? Blue-green algae are everywhere, but only grow to nuisance levels, which are also known as blooms, in certain conditions. Learn how to distinguish blue-green algae from other kinds of algae in our lakes, and learn what conditions cause blue-green algae to bloom at nuisance levels. Some blue-green algae can make toxins. We will discuss the health impacts of these toxins in animals and people who ingest or inhale them in lake water or have skin contact with them. We will review health guidelines for blue-green algal toxins and show you how to determine safe levels of blue-green algae for recreation in Wisconsin’s lakes.

Gina LaLiberte, Statewide Blue-Green Algae Coordinator, Wisconsin DNR
Jordan Dieckman, Wisconsin Department of Health Services

Tools for Engagement - Friday, 3:00-4:00 pm 

Make a Splash! Leverage Your Waterway to Draw Attention to Lake and River Issues

Water has magnetic, almost magical powers. Lake and river organizations are encouraged to use those powers to their advantage when they are trying to call attention to their issues and concerns. Whether organizing a lakeshore clean-up or making a “big trip” down a river, you can use the waterway to your advantage when connecting with the media and policy makers. We will discuss the different types of events that you and your group can pursue and share some key lessons for maximizing your impact in making news and connecting with elected officials.

Alyssum Pohl, Executive Director of Paddle On, Washington D.C.
John Sullivan, (Retired) Mississippi River Water Quality Specialist, Wisconsin DNR

Testing the Waters: A Paddle and Probe Adventure

Testing the Waters a Paddle and Probe Adventure will combine monitoring with school programs and public education. In May 2016, the Rock River Coalition will debut a new water monitoring probe array during a 119 mile ten day trip down the Rock River, from Mayville to Beloit. The probes, mounted on a kayak, continuously collects pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen and conductivity data. This information is then uploaded via a cell phone and instantly displayed on a web map.
This new Paddle and Probe effort builds on the successful ‘Send Your Legislator Down the River’ educational event that the Rock River Coalition has hosted for many years. Join the conversation to see how these events can lead to success!

Suzanne Wade, Rock River Coalition Member
Patricia Cicero, Jefferson County Land and Water Conservation Department​

Invasive Species - Friday, 3:00-4:00 pm 

Awareness of the Unusual: Wisconsin's First Detector Network

WI First Detector Network (WIFDN) is a citizen science-based invasive species reporting network designed to provide volunteers with the training and tools to report invasive species. Tony Summers (WIFDN coordinator) will describe the program, the projects, and how to get involved.

Tony Summers, Wisconsin First Detector Network

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