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Concurrent Sessions 4 
40 minutes

April 25, 2014
2:35 - 3:15 pm

Agenda subject to change.


Plants and Animals

Food Web Dynamics in Wisconsin Lakes

Friday, 2:35 - 3:15 pm

Scott will provide an overview of food web dynamics in Wisconsin lakes. Discover the basic elements of a lake food web. Get a glimpse into how food web dynamics are affected by our current lake challenges like habitat loss, excess nutrients, aquatic invasive species, and global climate change.
Scott Van EgerenScotts love of lakes started as a child spending summer vacations fishing at his family cabin on Long Lake in Florence County. He has been studying lakes for the past 13 years as a technician at UW-Trout Lake Station and with the Wisconsin DNR. He has conducted shoreline habitat, aquatic plant and zooplankton research; and worked on aquatic invasive species and lake monitoring guidance. He currently works as the statewide Lake and Reservoir Ecologist for the DNR out of Madison and enjoys talking with anyone that has an interest in lake ecology., Wisconsin DNR

People and Lakes

Community Based Social Marketing Research Updates

Friday, 2:35 - 3:15 pm

Lake health depends to a large degree on the shoreline maintenance decisions of individual property owners. We conducted a series of field studies in Central Wisconsin to investigate the psychological factors that influence how lake property owners maintain their own shorelines. We will discuss implications for lake management and environmental communication in the context of broader work being done on community-based social marketing for shoreland health​.
Mike AmatoMike Amato is PhD student in the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. He uses cross-disciplinary methods to study the relationship of people and the environment., UW-Madison

Presentation: Shoreline Beliefs and Goals

Aquatic Invasive Species

Innovative AIS Control Strategies

Yellow Floating Heart Rapid Response Project on Lake Gordon

Friday, 2:35 - 2:55 pm

Lake Gordon is a 50 acre lake on national forest land with only a public beach and a small boat landing. In this presentation John and Chris will take you through early detection monitoring, identification characteristics, management techniques and how the plant was introduced to the lake.  This will be a presentation filled with pictures!​
John A. PreussJohn Preuss is the Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator for Lumberjack Resource Conservation and Developement for Lincoln, Langlade, and Forest Counties. John also serves as the Deputy Warden Water Guard for 8 counties in the Northern Region., Lumberjack RC&D
Chris Hamerla, Golden Sands RC&D

Lake Tomahawk's Hydraulic Conveyor Removal Boat

Friday, 2:55 - 3:15 pm

Imagine a way to remove aquatic invasive species from your lake without adversely impacting other members of the aquatic plant and animal community and without introducing chemicals to the lake environment. Think about "weeding" without coming up for air for over an hour, and without having to stop what you're doing waiting for the cloud to clear. There is an advantage to not losing plant fragments which drop to the bottom and reseed AIS or float away and establish new plants in new locations. Can the hydraulic conveyor really do all of these things and more? Join us to find out about the hydraulic conveyor system developed by the Tomahawk Lake Association.
Ned GreedyEdward "Ned" Greedy has enjoyed life on the shores of Tomahawk Lake in Oneida County for over fifty years. After graduation from UWSP he enjoyed a 35+ year career in business. In 2006, he and his wife, Pam, returned to his family home on the west end of Lake Tomahawk and quickly became a board member of the Tomahawk Lake Association (TLA, Inc.). In early 2009 he became TLA's Executive Director, and at the same time led in the development of the hydraulic Conveyor system concept. He continues to provide operational leadership for TLA, and its hydraulic conveyor system operations., Lake Tomahawk Association

Lake Science

Shoreland Mapping as a Motivational Tool for Restoration and Tracking Change

Friday, 2:35 - 3:15 pm

The health of riparian shorelands can be linked to the health of aquatic ecosystems. Shoreland mapping and photography can provide baseline data that helps to describe the health of a shoreline which can be used to identify problematic areas, focus outreach and assistance for restoration, or to track change over time. Our whole lake shoreland survey methodology, which has been used on over 75 lakes, is based on National Lake Assessment methods.  Shorelands are evaluated from a boat using GPS and geo-referenced photographs. Depth and height of shoreland vegetation and shoreland disturbances are some of the geo-referenced attributes that can be identified during the survey. Data collected in the field is mapped and interactive maps can be displayed on the internet. To further advance the use of this technique, we are developing survey methodology and supporting documentation for use by citizens that may want to conduct their own shoreland surveys.
Nancy Turyk, Water Resources Scientist, UW-Stevens Point Center for Watershed Science and Education
Dan McFarlaneDan McFarlane is a GIS research specialist with the Center for Land Use Education at the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point, where he utilizes Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for land preservation and environmental planning. He has a particular interest in the use of GIS for visualizing and measuring spatial landscape patterns. He works closely with faculty and students on a wide variety of research projects and publications. Dan also teaches and lectures on GIS., GIS Research Specialist, UW-Extension Lakes

Lake Science

Eutrophication and Algal Blooms 101

Friday, 2:35 - 3:15 pm

For all of the good algae do in this world forming the base of the aquatic and marine food webs, our perception of algae is usually biased by all-to-common instances of bloom conditions or unsightly accumulations of algae in our lakes and streams.  Following a brief introduction to the diversity of algae and algal issues, I'll use examples from around the Midwest to explore how research is being used to direct management and remediation efforts to better understand, manage, and control algae.  Examples will include setting realistic nutrient and ecological goals, prioritizing remediation dollars, and recent advances in shallow lake management.

Mark EdlundMark Edlund is a Senior Scientist at the St. Croix Watershed Research Station, the environmental research wing of the Science Museum of Minnesota. He specializes in the collection and analysis of lake sediment cores to reconstruct the environmental history of lakes, and using this information to develop management strategies to protect and improve the water quality in our lakes. Although he has worked on lakes throughout the world, most of his projects are in the Midwest including Lake St. Croix and the shallow lakes of Polk County, Wisconsin., Science Museum of MN Field Research Station


Lake Science​

Projecting the Impact of Future Climatic Conditions on Loon Habitat Quality in the Northern Highlands​

Friday, 2:35 - 3:15 pm

Research across North America has shown that common loons select breeding territories as a function of lake physical and chemical characteristics. We developed a predictive regional common loon breeding habitat suitability model based on loon populations in northern and central Wisconsin, and assessed the potential effects of future climate change on loon habitat quality and breeding pair occupancy of lakes within the Trout Lake basin in northern Wisconsin. Check out what we found!
Michael W. MeyerMike Meyer is a research scientist with the Wisconsin DNR Bureau of Science Services, and has conducted research on lake-dependent wildlife throughout Wisconsin the past 25 years., Wisconsin DNR​

Presentation: Projecting the Impact of Future Climatic Conditions on Loon Habitat

Preparing Wisconsin Invasive Species Policy for Future Climate Change

Friday, 2:55 - 3:15 pm

Wisconsin's regulatory approach to the threat of exotic species involves invader risk assessments that consider projected ecological, environmental and economic impacts and establishment probability. However, the suitability of present climate to the majority of aquatic invasive macrophytes is poorly understood. My primary objective is to characterize present and future climate suitability for novel invasive aquatic macrophytes. I applied a maximum entropy procedure to model occurrence probability using global plant distribution data and historical records of temperature and precipitation. I predicted future climate suitability under three possible futures determined by global circulation models and extreme IPCC scenario A2. The models predict range expansions over the next 80 years. Climate suitability variables change rapidly at range edges, which by mid-century may reach Wisconsin. This work will allow us to consider climate effects on species invasion and draft proactive invasive species policy before the establishment of new exotics in Wisconsin.
Alison Mikulyuk​, Wisconsin DNR​

Presentation: Preparing Wisconsin Invasive Species Policy for Future Climate Change

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