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Wisconsin Lakes Partnership

2010 Convention Archive

​Tuesday Workshops

March 30, 2010



​Name That Plant!  Aquatic Plant ID

Tuesday, 9:00am - 12:00pm

Learning to identify the water plants in your lake can help with a variety of lake projects, such as aquatic plant management plans, grants, or just add to the fun of learning more about water plants. This workshop will give a hands-on, up close view of aquatic plant intricacies and differences to aid you in their identification. Learn how plants survive underwater and how they contribute to the health of the lake ecosystem.
Presenters: Susan Knight, aquatic biologist and assistant scientist with the UW-Madison Center for Limnology Trout Lake Station and Ali Mikulyuk, a research scientist with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
Additional Fee: $30


Clean Boats, Clean Waters (CBCW) Training

Tuesday, 9:00am - 12:00pm 

Volunteers have been an integral part of protecting Wisconsin lakes for over two decades. With so many water bodies and so few state resources, we rely heavily on volunteer efforts to educate boaters about aquatic invasive species (AIS) and how to prevent their spread. Come join us for the Clean Boats, Clean Waters workshop and become one of the 1,200 volunteers who have been trained to conduct watercraft inspections! We will discuss the latest AIS, what can be done to prevent their spread, and how you can get your community involved. Sharpen your inspection skills by role playing how to talk with people at the boat landing, and discover the subtle differences between native and non-native invasive aquatic plants through hands-on plant identification. Everyone will receive the watercraft inspection handbook, containing AIS distribution information, contacts, a kit of resources to aid inspection efforts, and more.

Presenters: Erin McFarlane, University of Wisconsin - Extension Lakes, Brenda Nordin, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and Sandy Wickman, University of Wisconsin - Extension Lakes/Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Additional Fee: $25


Limnology 101

Tuesday, 9:00am - 12:00pm

This workshop will cover the basics of lake science and management. Issues such as eutrophication, the impact of near shore development and the introduction of aquatic invasive species will be covered. Join us as we share insights about the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics that make these watery gems so unique. Learn why some lakes are green while others are blue. Understand why some are shallow and others deep, some full of aquatic plants while others are less so. We’ll take a look at the lakes dotting the Wisconsin landscape and discuss the management challenges and opportunities we face in leaving a lake legacy for future generations. Bring your lake questions and observations to share!

Presenters: Pamela Toshner, Lake Coordinator for the Northern Region of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and Buzz Sorge, Lake Coordinator for the West Central Region of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.


Shoreland Restoration Workshop

Tuesday, 9:00am - 12:00pm

Join us for a workshop aimed at bringing resource professionals up to speed on designing and implementing effective shoreland restoration projects. Components include ecological design principles, working with landowner concerns, permits, erosion control techniques, plant criteria and selection, and monitoring for success. Attendees will gain a foundational understanding of how to partner with county land and water conservation departments and landowners in shoreland rehabilitation work.
Presenters: John Haack, Basin Educator, UW-Extension, Mary Blickenderfer, Shoreland Education, U. of MN - Extension, Cheryl Clemens, consultant, Harmony Environmental, Inc., Brent Hanson, Nurseryman, Hanson's Garden Village and Stacy Dehne, Conservation Engineer, Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP)


Educating for Stewardship: Inspiring and Engaging Youth

Tuesday, 9:00am - 12:00pm

Educating the next generation of lake leaders, conservationists, environmentalists, and resource preservationists is an important responsibility of THIS generation! Teaching, mentoring and inspiring the young people who will assume the stewardship of our lakes and their surrounding natural habitats is a worthy and extremely important goal for all of us…no matter what our roles within the broader society might be. This workshop will highlight a variety of hands-on, project-based learning experiences that have actively engaged students/youth in learning about lakes, shorelands, and watersheds, while working to solve lake problems that are facing us. We’ll explore a variety of ways to involve youth in protecting and managing the lakes in your community, providing specific examples of collaborative efforts that have involved K-12 teachers, lake organizations, DNR specialists, college or university teachers and researchers, county land and water conservation departments, and others. Curriculum and resource materials, funding ideas, and ways to meet state DPI academic standards will be included. A great opportunity to network with others who enjoy working with young people!
Workshop Facilitator: Carol LeBreck, Wisconsin Association of Lakes and Bayfield County Lake Forum Boards
Presenters: Jerry Kaiser, Barnes/Eau Claire Lakes POA, “Eco-Education Project with Drummond Middle School Students”; Kate Reilly, Project Coordinator, “Holding onto the Green Zone”, UW-Extension, Madison; John Heusinkveld, Assistant Director, Treehaven .


The Blue Thumb - Planting for Clean WaterTM Program

Tuesday, 9:00am - 12:00pm

This program makes it easy for residents interested in doing their part to protect water quality to plan, purchase and plant native gardens, rain gardens and shorelines with native plants. It started in the Rice Creek Watershed District of Minnesota and now it reaches into the Twin Cities metro area and greater Minnesota. There are currently over 60 Blue Thumb partners. Learn how this program was built from the ground up and how they effectively engage citizens to join them in protecting shorelands and shallows.
Presenter: Angie Hong, Water Resource Education Specialist , with the Washington Conservation District, MN


Thoughtful Landscapes in a Changing World

Tuesday, 9:00am - 12:00pm

Climate change will stress our landscape with hotter summers and less frequent, but more intense, storm events. These, among other effects, make it clear that it is time to increase carbon sequestration (by plants) and decrease fossil fuel consumption. Learn new ways to build and manage landscapes to create a healthier, more resilient and sustainable environment from two experts in the field.
Presenter: Fred Rozumalski, RLA, with Barr Engineering and Marcus de la fleur, Dip.Hort.Kew, MLA, ASLA, RLA with de la fleur LLC


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