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​Wisconsin Lakes Partnership

2009 Convention Archive

Friday Afternoon Workshops

March 20, 2009
1:30 -4:30pm

​M. Aquatic Invasive Species Monitoring Through the Citizen Lake Monitoring Network

Friday, 1:30-4:30pm

Presenters: Laura Herman, the CLMN specialist with UW-Extension Lakes, Jay Schiefelbein, a water resources management specialist and Brenda Nordin, a fisheries technician and program assistant, both with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Limit: 25

N. County Roundtable Discussion

Friday, 1:30-4:30pm

Calling all county staff and county-wide lake associations! After three info-filled days, take this opportunity to chew things over with your county-based colleagues from around the state. This roundtable workshop will give you a chance to network with your peers in an informal setting and bring forward topics that you would like to discuss. The roundtable will focus primarily on aquatic invasive species issues, but all topics are welcome.
Presenters: Julia Solomon, aquatic invasive species specialist with UW-Extension and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and Earl Cook, president of the Wisconsin Association of Lakes

O. Groundwater Part Deux: Ordinance Development

Friday, 1:30-4:30pm

Many high capacity wells have been installed in areas that draw upon aquifers which also provide groundwater to lakes and streams and many more are envisioned in those areas. A disruption of the flow of groundwater may alter the water budget of a body of water, changing the chemistry and temperature of the water. Such changes have the potential to disrupt an ecosystem and pave the way for invasive species. This workshop will examine the status of state regulations governing approval of high capacity wells, the significance of the public trust doctrine, and the potential harm done by permitting high capacity wells without proper regard for their impact on waterways and aquatic species.

Presenter: Daniel Bach, an attorney with Lawton & Cates, S.C.

P. Aquatic Invasive Species Cuisine: Eating Your Way Toward Healthier Lakes

Friday, 1:30-4:30pm

Presenters: Patrick Goggin, a lake specialist with UW-Extension Lakes; and Mickey Goggin, UW-Oshkosh Continuing Education.

Q. Educating for Stewardship: Inspiring and Engaging Youth

Friday, 1:30-4:30pm

Educating the next generation of lake leaders, conservationists, environmentalists, and resource preservationists is an important responsibility of THIS generation! Teaching, mentoring and inspiring the young people who will assume the stewardship of our lakes and their surrounding natural habitats is a worthy and extremely important goal for all of us…no matter what our roles within the broader society might be.
This workshop will highlight a variety of hands-on, project-based learning experiences that have actively engaged students/youth in learning about lakes, shorelands, and watersheds and solving lake problems that are facing us. We'll explore many ways to involve youth in protecting and managing the lakes in your community, providing specific examples of collaborative efforts that have involved K-12 teachers, lake organizations, DNR specialists, college or university teachers and researchers, county land and water conservation departments, and others. Curriculum and resource materials, funding ideas, and ways to meet state DPI academic standards will be included. A great opportunity to network with others who enjoy working with young people!
Note: Continuing Education Units (CEUs) will be available. Fee: $15 [Choose from .3 CEUs for "youth education workshop only" up to 2.2 CEUs for full convention participation.]


1) Heather Weigelt [Education Coordinator/Naturalist at the Heckrodt Wetland Reserve, Menasha, WI]…Participants will see first hand how wetland curriculum is presented at the Heckrodt Wetland Reserve and will explore some of their hands-on activities, including “Life Downhill”, “Broken Water”, the “Wetland Equation”, and “Journey to the Bottom of the Pail.” Those attending will also learn about the other resources HWR has to offer, including teaching kits and trunks that focus on alien invasive species, which are available for checkout. HWR is a WERC (Watershed Education Resource Center) site, a community resource center that provides a wide variety of water monitoring equipment that is available for checkout on or offsite. Learn more about what the WERC has to offer and much more!

2) Mary Jo Fleming [Lake Leader Crew VI; Board Member, Lake Wissota Improvement & Protection Association; LWIPA volunteer coordinator for CB/CW]…Mary Jo’s presentation, “Using a Family-oriented Lake Fair to Engage Children in Lake Issues”, will provide details of the June 2008 Lake Fair that was organized by the West Central Lakes Conference Committee to replace their annual area lakes conference. The Lake Fair united a large number of amazingly diverse groups with lake-based interests to provide family-friendly activities and displays for citizens in west central counties. This presentation will address the importance of collaboration, discuss funding and insurance issues, share publicity ideas, and highlight activities that were specifically designed to engage children. A slide show chronicling the activities will be included in the presentation.
3) Jeremy Williamson [Water Quality Specialist] and Amy Kelsey [Information and Education Coordinator] of the Polk County Land & Water Resources Department…In their roles at the Polk County LWRD, Jeremy and Amy have collaborated on a number of water quality improvement projects with local schools. They have used the shoreline restoration at Luck High School as an opportunity to shape youth’s attitude about what is right for the lake and shoreline; have engaged youth from the Library and Village of Osceola in discussions of urban runoff during the planting of rain gardens; and have utilized Storm Drain Stenciling and Adopt-a-Stream programs to help youth understand the ‘urban water cycle’. The LWRD has also hosted Earth Day Events highlighting watershed and groundwater education and conservation field trips focusing on groundwater, wetlands, and soils; utilized games, quizzes and demonstrations to pique children’s curiosity; and recently worked with Polk County Sportsmen’s Club and the Polk County Museum to design an activity booklet for students to take home and learn further about land, water, air and history.
4) Patty & Dave Zerger [Reel-Em In Club, Longfellow Elementary School, Sheboygan Area School District]…Patty has taught Kindergarten for 18 years; Dave has worked for the Sheboygan Area School District for the past 11 years and has been an active member of the Lakeshore Chapter of Trout Unlimited and the Helen Shaw Fly Fishers for the past 8 years. Together they created and serve as advisors to The Reel ‘Em In Club, an after school fishing club for students kindergarten through 5th grade. Through out the school year, meetings are held to introduce the students to a variety of fishing and fishing-related experiences. Students learn skills required for different types of fishing through hands-on activities presented by local experts and then are given the equipment and opportunity to try the skills in the outdoors. In addition, students learn about related topics such as the importance of conserving our natural resources, careers and hobbies related to the outdoors, character education and giving back to the environment. In addition, the entire student body is involved in watching the life cycle of the rainbow trout through the centrally located tank used for “Trout in the Classroom”, a TU program being run by the fishing club. Funding for this unique after-school program comes from a variety of clubs, businesses and individuals.
5) Q & A ~ Facilitated Discussion…learn more about ideas for funding your work with youth, share further ideas among presenters & participants, explore resources and possible collaborations, and expand upon project ideas.
Workshop Facilitator: Carol LeBreck (Wisconsin Association of Lakes & Bayfield County Lake Forum Boards)

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