Wisconsin Lakes Partnership
2009 Convention Archive
March 18-20, 2009
KI Convention Center, Green Bay, WI

Back To Balance
The 2009 Wisconsin Lakes Convention, Back to Balance, featured an international symposium on aquatic invasive species. Experts from around North America gathered to discuss the research, management options, educational ideas and needed policy changes to deal more effectively with this prevailing issue. The goal of the symposium was to share this knowledge with agency staff, lake citizens, businesses, elected officials, and others to help get our lakes “back to balance.”
While AIS is an important issue, it is not the only challenge facing Wisconsin lakes. Wednesday and Friday workshops offered hands-on training and discussion on many important lake topics including AIS, lake ecology, interpreting and using lake data, working with local partners for lake protection and running a more effective lake group.
Convention Packet Materials:
Presentation Materials:
Other Materials:
The Agenda at a Glance:
8:00am |
Registration Desk Opens |
9:00am-6:30 pm |
Exhibit Hall Open |
9:00am-12:00pm |
Morning Workshops (click here for details) |
9:00am-12:00pm |
Refreshment break in Exhibit Hall |
12:00-1:00pm |
Lunch |
1:00-5:30pm |
Welcome to the 31st Annual Wisconsin Lakes Convention 1:00-5:30pm Plenary Session - Aquatic Invasive Species in an Era of Globalization: Making Linkages Around the World
Dr. Tony Ricciardi, "Biological Invasions as a Form of Global Change: The Freshwater Perspective"
Dr. Phil Moy, "Aquatic Invasive Species: A Global Threat with Local Impacts"
Dr. David Lodge, "Ecosystem Impacts of Aquatic Invasive Species Spread by Shipping, Boating and Commerce"
2:45-3:15pm |
Refreshment break in Exhibit Hall |
5:30-7:00pm |
Networking time - Dinner on your own |
6:00-7:00pm |
Wisconsin Association of Lakes (WAL) Annual Meeting |
7:00-8:00pm |
Special Sessions (click here for details) |
8:00-11:00pm |
Wisconsin Lakes Convention Welcome Reception |
Thursday, March 19th |
7:30am |
Registration Desk Opens |
8:00 am-6:00pm |
Exhibit Hall Open |
8:00 am-12:00pm |
Plenary Session - Wisconsin's Aquatic Invasive Species Strategy: Smart Prevention, Containment and Control
Jeff Bode, "State of Wisconsin - Aquatic Invasive Species Strategy"
Michael Staggs, "Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia: A New Aquatic Invasive Species"
10:00-10:15am |
Refreshment break in Exhibit Hall |
12:00 pm-2:00pm |
Lunch & Poster Presentations Session (click here for details) |
2:00-2:50pm |
Concurrent Sessions I (click here for details) |
3:00-3:50 pm |
Concurrent Sessions II (click here for details) |
3:50-4:20 pm |
Refreshment break in Exhibit Hall |
4:20-5:10 pm |
Concurrent Sessions III (click here for details) |
5:10 - 7:00pm |
Networking Time |
7:00pm |
Wisconsin Lake Stewardship Banquet & Awards Ceremony |
Friday, March 20th |
8:00am |
Exhibit Hall Open |
8:00am |
Registration Opens |
9:00am-5:00pm |
All-day Workshops (click here for details) |
9:00-12:00pm |
Morning Workshops (click here for details) |
10:00-10:30am |
Refreshment break in Exhibit Hall |
12:00 pm-1:30pm |
Lunch (click here for details) |
1:30 pm-4:30pm |
Afternoon Workshops (click here for details) |
2:45pm-3:15 pm |
Refreshment break in Exhibit Hall |