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​​​Forms for Citizen Lake Monitors


Monitori​ng Forms

Water Quality and Ice Record Monitoring Forms

Water Quality - Secchi only Datasheet

Water Quality - Secchi and Chemistry Datasheet

Chemistry, Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Schedule (what to do when)

Ice Records - Ice Observation Report - "Ice On"

Ice Records - Ice Observation Report - "Ice Off"​

AIS Monitori​ng Forms

Aquatic Invasive Species Monitoring Form 3200-133 (fillable PDF) 

 Lakes With Invasives

For updated lists/maps of water bodies in Wisconsin where AIS have been verified, go to the Department of Natural Resources website.

To get a list of AIS by lake: List of Aquatic Invasive Species By Lake​ (exit Extension Lakes)

To get a list of lakes by AIS: List of Locations for a Specific Species (exit Extension Lakes)​

Additional Forms and Documents

Aqua-Scope Construction Directions

Herbarium Labels for Aquatic Plants

Occupational Exposure to Algal Toxins

Zebra Mussel Substrate Sampler Construction Directions​

CLMN Volunteer Release of Claims form (waiver)



For more information contact
Paul Skawinski, Statewide Citizen Lake Monitoring Network Educator
(715) 346-4853
Or go to
Copyright © 1993- University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and University of Wisconsin Board of Regents