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​​ Volunteer Data Entry Resources

Helpful resources for submitting data into the SWIMS database and retrieving a data report


Obtaining a State of Wisconsin User ID (required to enter data into the SWIMS database)

CLICK HERE to register for a State of Wisconsin User ID
This website is where you can register for a State of Wisconsin User ID. This User ID is then used to log into the SWIMS database to enter lake monitoring data.

This video demonstrates how to create a State of Wisconsin User ID that is then used to log into the SWIMS database.

This document demonstrates how to create a State of Wisconsin User ID that is then used to log into the SWIMS database.

Entering Data Into the SWIMS Database

CLICK HERE​ to go to the SWIMS Database
The Surface Water Integrated Monitoring System (SWIMS) is used to store data from a variety of surface water monitoring projects around the state, including Citizen Lake Monitoring Network data.

This detailed document covers the process of entering and editing your data in the SWIMS database.
This detailed document covers the process of entering and editing your data in the SWIMS database.

This video demonstrates how to enter data from aquatic invasive species (AIS) monitoring events into the SWIMS database.

VIDEO: How to Enter Water Quality Data Into SWIMS
This video demonstrates how to enter data from water clarity and chemistry monitoring events into the SWIMS database.

This video demonstrates how to monitor ice cover on your lake and report ice-on / ice-off dates into the SWIMS database.

Viewing Monitoring Data and Accessing Data Reports

CLICK HERE​ to go to the DNR Lakes Pages
The DNR Lakes Pages contain a wide variety of information about Wisconsin lakes. Clicking on the Water Quality Data Reports button and then selecting a county and lake (click Details next to the lake name) will get you to the Water Explorer tool, where you can view data and graphs for any lake.

This video demonstrates how to navigate from the DNR Lakes Pages to the Water Explorer tool, as well as viewing and downloading lake monitoring data and graphs as a CLMN Annual Data Report.

This document demonstrates how to navigate from the DNR Lakes Pages to the Water Explorer tool, as well as viewing and downloading lake monitoring data and graphs as a CLMN Annual Data Report.​ 


For more information, contact

Paul Skawinski, Statewide Citizen Lake Monitoring Network Educator 

(715) 346-4853


Or go to:




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