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​​​​​​​​​​​​CBCW Trainer Resources


Workshop Tools

CBCW Resources for the AIS LMPN Partnership

Members of the AIS Lake Monitoring and Protection Network (LMPN) Partnership can access all CBCW training resources via the AIS Partnership Box file sharing site. If you are a part of the AIS LMPN, please contact Jeanne Scherer​ about gaining access to the Box.

Workshop Presentation Template

During a CBCW workshop, trainers should cover three main topics thoroughly: the issues of AIS in Wisconsin, the role watercraft inspection plays in addressing this issue, and how inspectors can converse with people about AIS at the boat landing. The template presentation below provides the framework for covering these topics, but can be customized to address the AIS of concern in your area​ and fit the needs of your participants, whether they are long time veterans of the program who simply need a refresher or new citizens looking to be trained.

MANY AIS profiles are included in this presentation. Please narrow the list of species you include in your presentation to those most pertinent to your area. Notes are included with each slide.  

Clean Boats, Clean Water Workshop Presentation Template in PDF​​ - 25MB, 78 pages
(click to open PDF version of ppt slides in new browser tab)

Introduction to Clean Boats, Clean Waters Presentation Template

This presentation is designed for groups who want to learn more about CBCW, but aren't ready to host a workshop. It sets the scene for aquatic invasives prevention in Wisconsin and describes the value and effectiveness of watercraft inspection in increasing awareness of aquatic invasive species prevention among boaters and anglers. 
Introduction to Clean Boats, Clean Waters PowerPoint Presentation Template in PDF - COMING SOON!
(click to open PDF version of ppt slides in new browser tab) 

Advertise a Workshop on the Event Calendar

Let us help advertise your upcoming CBCW workshop on our Lake Event Google Calendar! You can share the workshop description, time, and a map of the location easily, as well as your contact information. To get your upcoming training listed on our calendar, just follow the link below. 

 Add an event to the Lakes Google Calendar 


CBCW Supplies

To order CBCW t-shirts (sizes S-3XL), hats, aprons, or kits for your upcoming workshop, visit the CBCW Online Store.  For more on the supplies, go to our Resources webpage.


AIS Publications and Books 

There are a wide variety of educational AIS publications​​​​​​​, such as brochures, fact sheets, stickers, etc., available for free to the public. To order, contact

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Inspection Video Scenarios

There are seven online videos depicting various scenarios that watercraft inspectors may experience at the boat landing. These videos are meant to complement the CBCW workshop, not replace it, and will hopefully be useful for inspectors as they form their own conversational approach at the landing. These videos can become part of your CBCW training or serve as resources for inspectors to view post-workshop.

The video scenarios, along with descriptions of each scenario and the take-home message, can be found on our CBCW Resources webpage.

Graphics and Logos

CBCW Logos




AIS Graphics

Removing plants from boat
 (JPEG, 206 KB)





Boat checkpoints
 (JPEG, 281 KB)





Inspection Photos

Please contact Erin (info below) if you're looking for photos of watercraft inspections to use for educational purposes.  


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For more information contact:

Erin McFarlane, Statewide CBCW Educator
(715) 346-4978 or​

Or go to:

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources site
at​ (exit Extension Lakes)

Copyright © 1993- University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and University of Wisconsin Board of Regents