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Robert Erickson


NFAC 184


  • B.F.A. University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh
  • M.F.A. Illinois State University


Landscape's most crucial consideration is considered to be space, but its deepest theme is time.

Rebecca Solnit

I recently completed an artist residency at the Ballinglen Arts Foundation’s Artist in Rural Ireland Program in Ballycastle, Ireland. Ballycastle is located in north County Mayo on the Atlantic Ocean. I spent two months living in this community, exploring its coastal natural environment and working on new images. A great deal of time was spent wandering through the large expanses of bog, walking the dramatic and majestic sea cliffs and exploring small coastal inlets. My overwhelming experience was this was an old place-- an ancient place that has been shaped by wind, water and time to create a hauntingly beautiful environment. This includes the incredibly dense and soggy blanket bog fields that covers much of north County Mayo (created some 5000 years ago), and the Precambrian schist and quartzite sea cliffs and rock upheavals at Dun Caochain and Belderrig Harbor respectively (somewhere between 600 million and 1.5 billion years old.) Because of this residency and my experience in this environment, I have named this series of work Seana Thir, Irish for “old land.”

Monoprint 2009 - A Gathering of Artists​​​​

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