​accesSPoint Help

If you are unable to find a solution to your issue in the videos and documents listed below, please email your question to accesspointhelp@uwsp.edu or contact the UWSP IT Service Desk (phone: 715-346-4357, email: itsvdesk@uwsp.edu) for further assistance.

All Help Topics

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Quick Steps
Academic History and Grade ReportsRead
Delegate - Granting Access GuideRead
Delegate - Revoking Access GuideRead
Enrolling in a Wait Listed CourseRead
Financial Aid Offer: Accept, Reduce, DeclineWatch
GEP Degree Progress ReportRead
How to Obtain an Enrollment  VerificationRead
Moving from a Wait Listed Course to EnrolledRead
Profile - Change My AddressWatch
Profile - Update Cell/Mobile Phone NumberRead
  1. ​Click Profile tile
  2. Click on Contact Details on the left

Profile - View My AdvisorWatch
  1. ​Click Profile tile
  2. Click on Advisors on the left
Profile - View My Majors/MinorsWatch
Register using specific course numbersRead
Registering for Classes in Schedule BuilderRead
Required Registration ActionsRead
Schedule BuilderReadWatch
Schedule Builder - Add to WaitlistWatch
Schedule Builder BasicsWatch
Schedule Builder: Using Locks to Narrow Down SchedulesWatch
Search for CoursesRead
Student Planner – Create a New PlanRead
Student Planner - Registration PreparationRead
Student Planner – Selecting a Primary PlanRead
Student Planner – Tracking ProgressRead
Tasks TileWatch
Undergraduate Graduate Split Status eFormRead
Validating in Schedule BuilderRead