Sanctioned Events
Sanctioning is bound by UW Systems Administrative Policy 435: Headquarter City & UW System Sponsored Events. Please see the above linked policy for examples of business functions that fall under the definition for allowable events, and what is deemed allowable for meal and reception expenses. These events fall under the general liability protection afforded under Wisconsin Statute 895.46 (1).
Events attended primarily by UW employees or students are not allowable in a non-UW facility unless pre-approved by the Controller or Purchasing Manager prior to space rental. Any event not sponsored or approved by University authorities is considered non-sanctioned and would NOT be reimbursable or covered by state insurance and employee liability coverage.
For campuses with Dining/Catering capability, Dining's On Point Catering has right of first refusal for events held on campus. Only after receiving a waiver from dining, can a department seek other food options.
- If food is catered for any event (on or off campus), it must be pre-authorized by Risk Management. The food vendor must be certified, and have trained personnel. It must follow all state food handling standards for preparation, sanitation and insurance coverage.
- If pre-made food is purchased at food vendor location (i.e. pizza, sandwiches, etc.) and taken to event, the vendor must be an established business with a business license and proof of insurance upon request.
- The use of a university Purchasing Card (P-Card) for the purchase of raw meat or other raw food items which are being prepared by the p-card user or other non-certified/trained person and served as part of any event or meeting is not permitted.
- The use of university funding for the purpose of purchasing food or materials for a potluck event is not permitted.
- Off campus event approval must accompany all requests for payments or other related expenses.
Potlucks are defined as infrequent events (1-3 times a year) and are not considered a sanctioned event although they may occur during work hours in UW facilities. The use of university funding for the purpose of purchasing food or materials for a potluck event is not permitted. Although not a sanctioned event, potlucks must adhere to food safety protocols.
Student Organizations
Student organizations or Greek Life are responsible for operating under their own liability insurance and are not on the State of Wisconsin's self-insurance program. Student organizations are required to follow facility, food safety and insurance protocols on UW property. It is highly recommended that commercial special events insurance be purchased for these events. Call Risk Management in advance of these events for approval.
Private Residences
Private residence events are not considered University sanctioned locations and would fall under the liability insurance of the homeowner. Employees are not covered under state liability insurance with few exceptions while attending home events which must be pre-approved by the Controller or Purchasing Manager. Events of this nature are not recommended.