University Provided Credit Card Services

 Purchasing Card

Purchasing Card Program

UWSP faculty and staff, including LTEs, are able to purchase many of the items that they need to do their work more efficiently with a credit card. A Purchasing Card (PCard) is a controlled credit card that is intended for best-judgment purchases, within your individual single purchase limit.

It is a tool to manage purchasing and accounting resources by concentrating low-dollar purchases in a less paper-intensive process. Use of the PCard results in a UWSP liability, not a personal liability; therefore, it is authorized for official state use only, not for personal charges. All documents related to the PCard may be fully disclosed as a public record to the extent provided for by the Open Records Law. You must check both links found within the link for Ineligible Vendors prior to making any purchase. All purchases with the card must comply with the guidelines in the UWSP Purchasing Card Policy and Procedure Manual​, and with extramural funding agency restrictions.

PCard transactions, after the April 12 billing cycle, are to be reconciled in the SFS PCard module. UW-Shared Services, Purchasing Services Delivery Team, administers the PCard Program for many UW Institutions, including UWSP. If you have not completed the SFS training, please do so before attempting to recon​cile your transactions in the SFS PCard module. Training and information is found at PCard | Procurement (​

Apply for a Purchasing Card:

To apply for a card: Instructions on how to get a PCard may be found at PCard | Procurement (​

​Sales Tax Exemption Certificate: 

​Reconciliation and Approval guides for PCard expenses:

​Purchasing Card Questions: 

​To request changes or information for PCard: Instructions are found at PCard | Procurement (

Additional assistance available, please email:

*Fleet Fuel Cards - Fuel is NOT allowed on the Purchasing Card. Each state vehicle or state-owned equipment requiring fuel should have a Fleet Card. Contact Fleet Services for this card, x2884.

 Pro-Travel Card

UWSP no longer provides new Pro-Travel Cards, the program is being eliminated. All travel can be purchased on UWSP Purchasing Card. See Purchasing Card tab for additional information.

For additional Travel Support, please go to "Travel Services" located on menu tabs shown to the left.

 Corporate Travel Card

 Corporate Card Program

Many travel plans are reliant on a traveler using a credit card to make purchases or secure reservations. UWSP faculty and staff, including LTEs, may apply for a personal liability card for travel related purchases. Corporate cards are issued with a standard credit limit of $3,500.

Balances on a Corporate card need to be paid by the cardholder. Payments can be made to US Bank directly, or paid on the traveler's behalf through the approval of an associated expense report. Employees are responsible for any late fees. Charges for non-reimbursable expenses are allowed only when they are reasonably incident to the business-related travel expenses and are unavoidable.

All purchases must comply with UW System and UWSP polices.

Apply for A Corporate Card: 

To apply for a card, complete the Corporate Card Application and Agreement

Please review the Corporate Card User Guidelines, additional information available on the Travel Services Page.