A collaborative research facility for development and commercialization of biorefinery technologies 

 What can the Cellulose Pilot and Processing Lab do for me?

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Cellulose Pilot and Processing Lab capabilities

  • Biochemical reactors for up to 400 PSI and 450 degrees F
  • High pressure/high temperature fractionation
  • Solvent recovery
  • Pulp production, washing, drying
  • Acid and enzymatic hydrolysis
  • Sugar purification and dehydration
  • Fast pyrolysis
  • Fermentation from bench-top to pilot scale
  • Paper making and testing
  • Analytical/experimental analysis
  • Independent process/products development and evaluation
  • Biomass characterization
  • Chemical analysis

The biorefinery plant's digestor, with 450 kg capacity, is shown at right during installation of equipment in August 2015. Plastic and draped cloths protect the high pressure, stainless steel tank while other equipment is welded into place. We can process up to two tons of biomass per day.


Cellulose Pilot & Processing Lab:
a public/private partnership

CPPL_LOGO.jpgCellulose is one component of biomass such as wood. Innovative companies are looking into new sources of cellulose and new ways to process cellulose into chemicals, textiles, packaging, and fuels. In many cases these materials can displace materials currently derived from petroleum. This will result in the development of new industries developing a more sustainable economy. Our pilot-scale facility and research center is available for businesses to test processes in collaboration with UW-Stevens Point researchers. Our goal is to help accelerate the growth of these businesses. This project, which was launched in December 2013, was funded by an Economic Development Incentive Grant from the University of Wisconsin System. Read the initial news release about the grant here.
AST_Logo_CMYK 300W.pngAs part of the CPPL project, WIST and private company American Science and Technology built a two-ton-per-day biorefinery located in the Wausau West Business and Industrial Park, in Wausau, Wisconsin. At UW-Stevens Point, a 20-liter fermenter, one-half liter fermenters and other benchtop equipment allow researchers to test processes for recovering value-added products from biomass. Together, the research facilities and staff at WIST and AST will be able to test processes from benchtop to pre-commercial pilot scale.



Biomass to end product

We work with novel materials

Inputs may be agricultural waste, forestry products or waste, or any other lignocellulosic waste material in any form from sawdust to woodchips.

Outputs include high quality pulp, C5 and C6 sugars, pure lignin, lignin/polymer compound, sugar derivatives, biochemicals, biofuel, or bio-oil.

Laboratory Services Price List

To request a copy of the WIST Laboratory Services Price List, including pricing for biorefinery and fermentation work, click here and complete the price list order form.