Work on a new Welcome Center at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point has begun in partnership with the UWSP Foundation.
The former Newman Center at the corner of Reserve Street and Fourth Avenue on campus was acquired and will be remodeled through the UWSP Foundation and support of several individuals and businesses. Ellis Construction is the design-build contractor.
The building will be used by the Admissions and Recruitment Office to welcome visitors, especially prospective students and their families.
"Campus visits remain a crucial component of the college search process for prospective students and parents," said Marc Young, director of Admissions and Recruitment. "A Welcome Center in the heart of campus will give our visitors a great first impression of Pointer culture and help create a memorable experience as they explore academic facilities, residential living and student activities."
University Facility Services staff created initial floorplans, with interior design input from three Interior Architecture student interns.
"Their design was inspired by the theme 'Cutting Edge, Sophisticated, Inviting, Energetic,'" said Peter Crawford, UWSP Foundation president and project manager. "The design work is impressive and certainly highlights the opportunity and quality typical of programs at UW-Stevens Point."
A number of technology features will also assist Admissions employees, Crawford said. The reception area includes an interactive screen, and five meeting rooms with communication connectivity will accommodate visitors from a family to a large tour group. "We worked together to best support the admissions team, and also give them new tools to grow enrollment at UW-Stevens Point."
With enrollment up at all three UW-Stevens Point campuses, excitement is building for the start of the fall semester, said Chancellor Bernie Patterson. "There has never been a more important time for a new generation of leaders to earn their degrees, graduate and help solve the world's challenges."
Plans for a fall opening will be announced as the project progresses, said Crawford.
The UW-Stevens Point Foundation, Inc. is the primary fundraising and gift-receiving organization for UW-Stevens Point. The Foundation is the university's development and financial partner.