Wisconsin Center for Environmental Education celebrates 20 years
The Wisconsin Center for Environmental Education (WCEE) at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point will celebrate 20 years of environmental education in Wisconsin.
A banquet will be held Saturday, Nov. 5, at the Memories Banquet Hall in Plover. The event will be a time to celebrate the many partnerships which created the strong foundation for environmental education in Wisconsin, recognize present partners and leaders, and share WCEE’s plans for the future including the No Child Left Inside initiatives.
The Wisconsin Center for Environmental Education (WCEE) was established by the Wisconsin Legislature in 1990 and is housed in the College of Natural Resources. The center assists in the development, dissemination, implementation and evaluation of teacher and student K-12 environmental education programs. During the past 20 years, staff have partnered with individual classroom teachers, school administrators, parents, students, governmental representatives, community members, business leaders and nongovernmental organizations to ensure students have access to quality classroom and field based instruction that empower them with the knowledge and skills needed to make wise environmental decisions and take responsible actions in their personal lives, workplaces and communities.
For more information about the WCEE and to register for the banquet, visit www.uwsp.edu/cnr/wcee .
Contact: Ginny Carlton, 715-346-3805, wcee@uwsp.edu