Whether you play the tuba or euphonium or simply enjoy
holiday music, you are invited to the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point’s fourth
annual TubaChristmas concert on Friday, Dec. 12.
TubaChristmas concerts, honoring the late tubist William
J. Bell, are held annually in more than 250 cities throughout the world and
feature traditional Christmas carols specially arranged by American composer
Alec Wilder. The warm, rich organ-like sound of the low brass ensemble has won
the hearts of everywhere.
Players of all ages will rehearse from 5–6:30 p.m. Dec. 12
in Michelsen Hall of the Noel Fine Arts Center and then perform in a free
public concert at 7:30 p.m., also in Michelsen Hall. Participants and audience
members are encouraged to wear festive attire.
Registration for performers is $10 per person, which
includes a TubaChristmas 2014 commemorative button. Performers also are required
to purchase music for “Carols for a Merry TubaChristmas,” available at
check-in. Chairs and stands are provided.
Euphonium and tuba players may register at www.uwsp.edu/music/Pages/TubaChristmas
or by contacting Assistant Professor Patrick Lawrence, Department of Music,
715-346-4052 or Patrick.Lawrence@uwsp.edu
to reserve a spot.