'Taste of Toj RoobThe Mountains' highlights Southeast Asian community

Sharing the history, culture and foods of the Hmong people, the eleventh annual Taste of Toj Roob will be held at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point on Saturday, Nov. 19.

Hosted by UW-Stevens Point’s Hmong and Southeast Asian American Club (HSAAC), the event will be held from 5–9 p.m. in the Dreyfus University Center Laird Room. Doors open at 4 p.m., followed by dinner, a keynote presentation and entertainment by members of HSAAC and the community.

Ian Baird, an assistant professor of geography and a specialist in Southeast Asia studies at UW-Madison, will give the keynote address, speaking about “The Secret War.” The banquet will include various Southeast Asian dishes including the famous Hmong egg rolls.

Tickets for the dinner are available at the University Information and Ticket Office in the Dreyfus University Center or by calling 715-346-4100. Admission is $12 for adults or $15 at the door if tickets are available, $10 for UWSP students with ID and no charge for children ages 12 and under. The public may attend the keynote address and entertainment free of charge.

For more information, contact Julie Lee at jlee931@uwsp.edu or Sue Clark Kubley at skubley@uwsp.edu.