Sustainability film series at UW-Stevens Point

A documentary film series on consumerism and living sustainably will be offered at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point this winter.

Sponsored by the UW-Stevens Point Office of Sustainability, three films will be shown on selected Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Dreyfus University Theatre. Admission is free and open to the public, and free popcorn and root beer will be available.

The films include:

  • Jan. 30, "Racing to Zero" – The film examines society's garbage practices in terms of consumption, preparation, use and production, and details solutions in San Francisco where steps are being taken to reach zero waste.

  • Feb. 6, "The True Cost" – Take a look at the impact of the clothing industry in this documentary, filmed all over the world and featuring interviews with leading influencers.

  • Feb. 13, "Death By Design" – The documentary travels from factories in China to New York City to investigate the underbelly of the electronics industry and its environmental and health costs.


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