Learn more about making
your personal and business life more sustainable during the annual National
Campus Sustainability Day fair Wednesday, Oct. 22 at the University of
Wisconsin-Stevens Point.
Sponsored by UW-Stevens
Point’s Sustainability Office, the fair will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in
the Laird Room of the Dreyfus University Center. It is free and open to the
Nearly 30 businesses,
nonprofit organizations and student groups will provide information about
sustainability in various arenas, including food, personal health, energy,
waste and research. The Wisconsin Wool Exchange, Point Area Bicycle Service and
the Village Hive are among new sponsors.
Among those attending are businesses focused on energy efficiency,
locally produced foods, fair-trade products and sustainable transportation.
Campus groups, ranging from the cycling and yoga and meditation clubs to
350.org, will be on hand to explain their goals and ways to make life more
bringing awareness to how diverse sustainability has become and
the different ways students and the community are engaging in it,” said Dave Barbier,
sustainability coordinator at UW- Stevens Point.
That evening, the movie “Plastic Paradise: The Great
Pacific Garbage Patch” will be shown at 6 p.m. in the University Theater of the
Dreyfus Center. It looks at the buildup of trash in the ocean, the effect on
the planet and what can be done about it. The movie is free, as is popcorn and
root beer.
Nationally, Campus Sustainability Day recognizes the successes,
challenges and innovation in higher education to reduce the impact people have
on the planet.