Kelly Kositzke, senior, Madison
At age 18, it's hard to know what career path to pursue. Being open to exploring possibilities helped Kelly Kositzke discover her interests.
"I felt like Stevens Point was small enough and big enough," she said. Kelly chose UW-Stevens Point in part because of the School of Business and Economics and because it was the "right price point" for a student paying for her college education. Her business professors and adviser helped her take the right courses in a timely fashion so she can graduate in 3½ years.
Kelly's had at least one job while pursuing her degree and has volunteered for various organizations. From Rotary to a local nursing home to the Salvation Army, each volunteer experience has been an opportunity to grow. "I'm open to trying things. I found myself pursuing a lot of opportunities I wouldn't have had elsewhere."
A scholarship provided a paid internship for career-related experience in marketing at the Boys and Girls Club of Portage County. She competed with students from prestigious colleges around the country to successfully attain an internship at Kohler Co.
"You don't have to go to (a Big 10 university) to stand out," Kelly said.