Wellness Navigator

Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, this service is temporarily unavailable.

The Wellness Navigators are Student Health Service supported and qualified students who provide programs, events, health coaching, and e-newsletters to students on topics such as nutrition, exercise, mental health, and self-care. Their goal is to come alongside students through health and wellness support on campus. 


Contact Information:

Contact them to learn more about their free services or to be subscribed to their weekly e-newsletter.

Please Email: wellness.navigator@uwsp.edu

​​Office Hours

Monday 11 AM - 1 PM
Tuesday 10 AM - 12 PM
Wednesday 11 AM - 1 PM
Thursday 10 AM - 12 PM​
Friday 10 AM - 12 PM
During the academic year


 Delzell Hall - Office 122

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