Reproductive Health Peer Educators

Office Hours

Tuesday: 11 a.m.- 12:15 p.m. DUC Concourse Tables

Thursday 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. DUC Concourse Tables

If 6 is not enough when the Condom Fairy delivers,
stop by during our office hours to pick up your additional condoms.

Reproductive Health Peer Educators (RHPEs) are Student Health Service supported students who provide programs to campus students about Sexually Transmitted Infections, sex, love, healthy dating, and more. Their goal is to educate students about these topics in an open and exciting way.

RHPEs give presentations at the dorms, DUC, and moreRHPEs provide the correct information from real physicians and allied health care providers.

Join us on Facebook for an updated list of events!