Apply to UW-Stevens Point



Spring 2025 Informational Meetin​gs:

Wednesday 2/19 at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. in SCI D328

Application Deadline: Friday 2/28 at 5 p.m.



“While interning at [an] attorney’s office I was able to get an inside look at the legal system as well as how our criminal justice system functions. Everything I was involved in here was a lesson and I am very thankful for the opportunity. Deciding to do an internship over the summer was one of the best decisions I could have made for my career goals.” Laura Federico, Winona County Attorney’s Office

“Overall my experience here has been great, I have been exposed to a lot of things I did not expect to do and I have worked with a very diverse client population. I was also able to extend my knowledge and background in sociology to many of the tasks and situations I dealt with over the semester.” Randi Bortz, Central Rivers Farmshed

“I am so glad that I decided to do the internship option for the Sociology major and do 2 semesters! It has put me in a much better position when applying for jobs after graduation. I would advocate for this internship program forever! I would have little to no job prospects for after graduation if it wasn’t for completing my internship.” Nicole Smith, Family Crisis Center

Sociology Internship Program

Internships are a type of experiential learning that provides students with both observational and hands-on knowledge to enhance their academic endeavors and increase their ability to perform professionally. The central tenet of the internship program is that meaningful knowledge is created by “developing, supporting, and educating students and citizens to constructively engage in local, regional, and global communities,” as described in the UWSP Vision. Students are expected to apply knowledge from their previous classes to professional settings that are appropriate to sociology. This will prepare students a) for professional fields and graduate study in sociology and b) for effective and responsible participation in society, two aims of the Department of Sociology and Social Work.

The objective of this internship program is, then, to provide students with actual work experiences where they will gain and experience transformative knowledge to succeed in social service, non-profit organizations, and local and state governments. Students are under the direction of Dr. David Barry, Associate Professor of Sociology, throughout the term of the internship.

There are a number of academic, professional, and personal benefits with internships:  
1. Opportunity to gain valuable experience, strengthening your knowledge and skill for Sociology practice in a practical way that the classroom does not allow.  
2. Opportunity to build your resume, enhancing your marketability for future jobs and for graduate school
3. Opportunity to build professional connections that may serve as mentors, references, and links to future employment
4. Opportunity to figure out what areas of Sociology suits you. An internship is equally successful if it strengthens your commitment to that particular area of practice as if it helps you decide that you absolutely do not want to go into that particular area of practice.

Apply for your Sociology internship as you are approaching senior standing.  The best time to do an internship is during your final one or two semesters.  Completing an internship as your final undergraduate experience allows for a natural bridge into the professional world and/or graduate school.  It also allows you to have a strong foundation of coursework completed before being out in the field.  
Students are eligible for application into field when they meet the following criteria:
1. Attainment of senior standing by the time internship is anticipated to start
2. Attainment of cumulative GPA of at least 2.50
3. Attainment of GPA in Sociology Major of at least 2.75
4. Accepted internship application

Sociology 492 — 3 to 6 cr. Observation and applied sociology practice under the guidance of cooperating field placement supervisors in an approved social service agency; emphasis on guided applied sociology. Sociology majors may apply for placement with cons field coordinator and chair. Prereq: Sr st. 
Sociology 493 — Required weekly seminar that goes along with the internship—1 credit for each semester you are interning—an opportunity to learn from others who are currently interning, process challenges and experiences, and discuss topics of importance to Sociology practice—required journaling and presentations.  

Opportunities exist in a variety of agencies throughout central Wisconsin.  Please see additional handout and Sociology Field Manual available below.  As we are always creating new relationships with agencies, not all available are reflected, and students are not limited to the ones listed. 

​(Use the link at the top right-hand corner of this page)​


David M. Barry, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Sociology
Department of Sociology and Social Work
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
448 CCC
Stevens Point, WI 54481