Power Failure or Other Utility Failure​

In the event of a power, water, or other utility failure, contact Facility Services at 715-346-4219 or University Police at 715-346-3456 and follow the procedures below:

 Power Failure Response

  1. Report outages immediately to Facility Services at 715-346-4219 during regular business hours or University Police at 715-346-3456 during other times.

  2. Cautiously move away from any electrical equipment or machinery to avoid injury should it restart suddenly. Move slowly to avoid tripping. If able, shut down all electrical equipment as necessary and stay clear of all machinery during the power outage. Do not turn any equipment back on until authorized.

  3. During the failure, remain in a safe location. Back-up generators will supply emergency lighting to most areas. Supervising staff/faculty must decide whether to dismiss staff/students in the event of an extended power failure.

  4. Occupants should check and notify University Police of persons trapped in elevators or equipment that may present a hazard upon re-energization of the building. Department staff should conduct safety checks of all areas to determine if any person requires assistance.

  5. No one should be in a work area that has no light. If the condition exists, move people to an area with at least minimal light (enough to locate an exit path).

  6. Each Department should make flashlights available to employees for use during a power outage. In the event that emergency lighting fails, use flashlights to evacuate and conduct safety checks.

  7. Lab users should follow these precautions:
    • Put vital equipment on emergency power circuits if available. Check with Facility Services.
    • Make a list of equipment that must be reset or re-started.
    • Keep fume hood sashes closed and all containers capped.
    • Check cold storage items. Use dry ice if necessary.

  8. Facility Services and University Police will ensure that all affected equipment, security systems, and other alarms are reset.

 Natural Gas Response

If a natural gas leak is suspected or detected, follow the response instructions below:

  1. Stop all operations, turn off gas valves, open doors and windows, if able, as you exit the building.

  2. Immediately evacuate the area.

  3. Be certain to PREVENT IGNITION SOURCES by not operating any electrical equipment, switches, lights, heaters, hot water, telephones, heat ventilation air conditioning systems (HVAC), outlets, lighters, matches, etc. during a hazardous gas leak.

  4. Do not use elevators unless authorized.

  5. From a safe location away from the leak, REPORT INCIDENT to the Facility Services ext.4219 and University Police ext.3456. Call 9-1-1 if an emergency.

    If they are unavailable, contact Wisconsin Public Service at 1-800-450-7280.

    • Provide your name
    • Exact location of the leak (room, floor, etc.)
    • Other applicable information
Do NOT reenter building until all clear is given by emergency command personnel.

 Water Failure/Flood Response

  1. Report outages immediately to Facility Services at 715-346-4219 during regular business hours or University Police at 715-346-3456 during other times.

  2. Municipalities will provide additional directions regarding a water failure, including any water boil requirements. 

  3. During a flood, do not come in contact with flood waters and do not go near electrical equipment.

 Steam Leak Response

Employees should do the following during emergencies caused by steam leaks:

  1. If the steam leak is inside a building, employees should evacuate the area keeping away from steam.

  2. Call Facility Services at 715-346-4219 during regular business hours or University Police at 715-346-3456 during other times.

  3. Doors should be closed to isolate the affected area. Steam can cause severe burns, displace oxygen, and moisture from steam can conduct electricity.

  4. Be aware that a steam leak may cause the building's fire alarm to sound. Employees should be advised to exit the building immediately even if it is ascertained that the problem is a steam leak.
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​Report Utility Failures

During Business Hours

Facility Services

After Hours

University Police

If an emergency

Call 9-1-1

​Page Last Reviewed: November 10, 2022

Page Last Updated: November 10, 2022