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​Subject Code and Course Policies               

  • New Subject Codes (Prefixes) must be vetted and approved by the Office of the Registrar
  • Course numbers must wait a period of 10 years after the last offering (deletion) before the number can be reused
  • New Course numbers must be vetted and approved by the Office of the Registrar
  • Standard Course Repeat language is one of the following:
    • “May be repeated for credit" – denotes unlimited repeats (topics can be repeated)
    • “May be repeated for credit for up to XX credits" – denotes repeatable up to a certain amount of credits (any topic can be repeated up to the maximum credit amount)
    • “May be repeated for credit with different subtitles" – denotes each subtitle can be taken only once
    • “May be repeated for credit with different subtitles for up to XX credits" – denotes each subtitle can be taken only once up to the maximum credit amount
  • ​Standard language for prerequisites with multiple courses is:
    • If there are two courses and both are required: “Both XX and XX"
    • If there are two courses and either is acceptable: “Either XX or XX"
    • If there are more than two courses and all are required: “All of the following: XX, XX, and XX"
    • If there are more than two courses and any are acceptable: “One (or other number) of the following: XX, XX, or XX" ​

  • Stanard language for Service Based Pricing Courses is:
    • "This course may not be listed as a requirement or eligible as an elective for any major, minor, or certificate program except for XX" with the XX being the particular Service Based Pricing program the course was created for.

Copyright © 1993- University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and University of Wisconsin Board of Regents