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​​​Reporting Final Grades 

Senate policy requires grades to be turned in within 48 hours of the final exam (Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays not included). The deadline date for submitting ALL grades is typically 3-4 working days after the last final exam.

Deadline Dates for Submitting Final Grades

The deadline for submitting Spring 2025 grades online is 2:00 PM on ​Thursday, May 22nd​. 

  • Online Grading Process --You can get to Grade Rosters through the Faculty Center tile. This is the same place you enter attendance information.  When you get to the roster, make sure you select “Final Grade” from the “Grade Roster Type” drop-down.

    • There are three different "Approval Status" values available in the grading process: Not Reviewed, Approved, and Attendance Completed. 

      1. Not Reviewed. If you save with this status, the system will allow you to save a partially filled-out grade roster. If you want to enter a few grades at a time, this status allows you to do that. (optional)
      2. Approved. A grade must be entered for every student before you can approve the grade roster. This status tells our office that the grades are ready to be posted. This is the only status you must use. Once the Registrar's Office posts grades, students will be able to see them.  This action will occur hourly.
      3. Attendance Completed. This is only useful when the Grade Roster Type is set to an attendance roster. Do not use during Final Grade Submission.

Grading System 

​Grade ​Points ​Grade Definition​
​A ​4.00 AU Audit​
​A- ​3.67 ​GP Graduate Thesis or Thesis-Like Courses In Progress​
​B+ ​3.33 ​I ​Incomplete
​B ​3.00 ​P ​Pass
​B- ​2.67 S ​Satisfactory (Used with Noncredit Course Only)
​C+ ​2.33 ​W ​Withdrawn
​C ​2.00
​C- ​1.67 ​NR ​ Not Reported (Office Use Only)
​D+ ​1.33
​D ​1.00
​F ​0.00

Recording Grades

  • Enter the grade after the name of the student.
  • A+, D-, and F+ are not valid grades.
  • For students who have elected the P-F grading option, the grade program convert the regular grade to P or F.
  • If a student is auditing a course, a grade of AU will show in the grade column.
  • If a student officially dropped the class or withdrew from school, a W will show in the grade column. 

Incomplete grade policy: 

    1. An “incomplete” should be reserved for the completion of a definable amount of work (for example, one term paper or one exam) which occurs near the end of the semester.
    2. You are to inform both the student and the department chair in writing of the work that is remaining and the date by which it must be completed.
    3. The student has until the end of the next semester (excluding summer session) to complete the work unless you set an earlier deadline.
    4. The instructor and department chair may approve one extension of time needed to make up the incomplete. The dean of the college in which the course is offered must approve any further extension of time. 

Reporting F Grades for Non-Attending Students      

          "F" grades appear in the grade drop-down (F0, F1, F2, etc) to represent a student's last date of attendance. These should be used in place of
           entering an actual date of last attendance like you did in the old system. If a student stopped attending your class during the third week, you
           should select the F3 grade from the drop-down. If a student NEVER attended your class, there is an F0 grade to select. These numbered "F"
           grades will appear as regular F's on a student's transcript.

Why does UWSP need to know if a student stopped attending school?  
Federal regulations require students to repay a prorated portion of their financial aid if they officially or unofficially withdraw from school prior to reaching the 60% (approximately the 10th week) point of the semester. If students do not repay their aid, the institutions are liable.  

Grade Corrections/Changes

Grade changes: Instructors can make grade changes themselves until grades have been posted.  Once posted, submit the Grade Change/Remove Incomplete eForm located in the Forms tile in accesSPoint.  After the grade deadline, grade changes will need approval from the department chair and dean.  Note: This does not apply when removing an incomplete.

We now have an e-form for grade changes.  It can be found on the Forms tile in accesSPoint.  Once you fill it out, the form will automatically be routed to the appropriate authorizing officials.  You will receive an email confirmation after the e-form has been processed.

Late Reporting of Grades

During a regular semester, if only five instructors are late in reporting their grades nearly 600 students could be affected (5 instructors teaching 4 courses of 30 students each).  Please make every effort to get your grades in by the deadline.  Late grades result in: 

  • Unnecessary student anxiety about what grade is to be received.
  • A delay in issuance of transcripts of grades to prospective employers, graduate schools, or transfer institutions.
  • A delay in certification to DPI for application for a teacher license.
  • Suspending students who shouldn't be suspended or not suspending students who should be. 

Test Score Facilities  

The test scoring facilities are located in the Center for Inclusive Teaching and Learning (CITL), 403 Albertson Hall, and are available from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  The facilities are not open over the weekend. If this presents a problem, call CITL (2945) to see what special arrangements might be made.  

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