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​​​​​​​​Program Policies​​​

Program Naming Conventions

​General ​​​Naming Conventions

  • No program should start with the words Major, Minor, or Certificate. All programs will end with these terms (ex: Business Major, Accounting Minor, Environmental Justice Certificate). Effective Fall 2023 catalog.​​​​
  • Graduate Certificates will have the word “Graduate" in the title before the word Certificate (ex: Data Science Graduate Certificate). Effective Fall 2023 catalog.

​Teacher Education Program Naming Conventions 

  • Teaching Majors will either have the terms “Education Option" or “Secondary Education Option" if there is a non-teaching counterpart. If there is no teaching counterpart, the major will simply be “XXX Education" (ex: German: Education Option (BA) as German (BA) exists without teaching; Elementary Education has no non-teaching counterpart; therefore, is simply Elementary Education). Effective Fall 2023 catalog.
  • Minors and Certificates that require Education courses should be named: “xxx Education Minor/Certificate." Effective Fall 2023 catalog.
  • ​Minors and Certificates that have the language: “This minor/certificate program is intended for, but not limited to, those students pursuing a degree in xx education." in the description in the Catalog and have a 2.75 GPA requirement but contain no Education courses should have the naming convention of: “xxx for Educators Minor/Certificate."  ​Effective Fall 2023 catalog.

General Information

  • New Pre-Professional Programs should be vetted by the Office of the Registrar. The Office of the Registrar will then review with the Catalog Editor and submit the vetted program to the CuC to be recorded as an informational item on the department's behalf. This ensures that the program is recorded with an appropriate start term.  Effective Fall 2023 catalog.
  • Programs that include foundational math courses that do not count towards the program GPA will use the following note at the beginning of their program, with each course marked accordingly: Note: Required courses marked ** below have Math prerequisites. Depending on your placement score, additional courses may be required. Effective Fall 2023 catalog.
  • There should be no courses with “Hidden Prereqs" in programs, i.e. if a course has a prerequisite that is not listed in the major, it must be added as a required course. Effective Fall 2023 catalog.
    • All prerequisites will be listed in the course catalog for required courses
    • All courses listed will count toward the program GPA
  • Departments wishing to move programs to a different department must inform the Office of the Registrar of their intention so that a search can be conducted of what may be impacted. A Program Revision Form should be used to document the move, with both departmental votes recorded and the Dean's acknowledgement of the move so that it can be recorded as an informational item through governance.  Effective Fall 2023 catalog.

  • Programs that suspend admission will be reviewed after a period of two years and a notification will be sent to the department to check on status of the program. At that time, the department will be asked to review the program and formally put forth a resolution to delete the suspended program or submit revisions to restore the program. If a suspended program is not formally deleted in the span of five years, it will be automatically removed through UW-System. Effective Fall 2023 catalog.


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