DocuSign​ eSignature

DocuSign eSignature is a cloud application made available through the Wisconsin DOA (Department of Administration) as a digital signature solution for signing documents.

To use Docusign you must first request an account from IT.​

There are two primary tasks that you may need to do through DocuSign eSignature:

  • Digitally sign documents.

  • Send out documents to be signed.

Following are instructions for how to sign documents through DocuSign and create your digital signature, as well as information that walks you through preparing and sending a document for a digital signature.

For brief instructions on how to prepare and send a document for a digital signature, see DocuSign's ​​step by step documentation.

See the video below for more detailed information on how to use many of DocuSign's key features.

Using DocuSign eSignature

To get started with DocuSign, you will first need to log in.

If you do not yet have a DocuSign account, you must first request an account from IT.​

 Logging in to DocuSign

To log into DocuSign, go to:

Enter your UWSP username (format

Click Continue.

Click Use Company Logon. Do NOT type in your password.


You will be taken to the DocuSign Home page.

DocuSign uses the same authentication method as your Office 365 Web Portal and other systems on campus.

 Create your signature

To digitally sign documents in DocuSign, you need to create your DocuSign Signature. You can also create multiple signatures for different purposes.

The first time you sign a document through DocuSign, you will be prompted to create your digital signature.

You can also create your digital signature from the DocuSign Home page.

Click Create Your Signature at the right on the DocuSign Home screen.


One you create a DocuSign signature, click Create. Your signature will display below your DocuSign ID.

Following are the options for creating your DocuSign Signature and additional information for each:


Choose from a number of precreated hand-writing styles. A good option for written signatures which are difficult to read.


Why isn't an exact copy of a person's signature needed?

When a document is digitally signed, Two files are saved to the document sender's DocuSign Inbox - the signed document AND a Certificate of signer authenticity file from DocuSign. 
IT IS VERY IMPORTANT to download and save both of these files together. Make sure to read the section, Saving signed documents, for more information.


Draw let's you write and save your own signature.  Drawing your Signature is best done on a tablet or other device that you can hold or lay flat.


Upload a scanned image of your signature in the following formats:GIF, JPG, PNG, BMP. The maximum file size is 200KB.  

When you create a Signature in DocuSign, you are asked to provide both a signature and your initials so you will need a separate file for each.  If you choose to upload a signature, make sure to prepare both files.

 Sign a document

If you are sent a document(s) which requires your digital signature, a notice will display in your Outlook email list from the sender "via DocuSign" (e.g. from "Stephanie Pointer via DocuSign").

Click the Review Document button in this email and log into DocuSign.


The document will display for your review.

Click Continue when you have finished reviewing to sign the document.

  • This is my first time using DocuSign

If this is the first time that you are signing a document through DocuSign and you have not yet logged in and created a digital signature, an Adopt your Signature box will open.

Click Adopt and Sign.  

See also the section Create your signature, below for more information about customizing your Signature. This section additionally provides information regarding why it is not necessary to provide an accurate copy of your signature to DocuSign.

  • I have already created a digital signature

click Start to move to the location in the document that requires your signature.

Click Sign.

In the My Signatures and initials box, select your signature.

Click Use Saved,

Click Finish.


For more in-depth informaton regarding options for signing, see DocuSign eSignature's Sign a document with DocuSign Video.    


 Access all documents requiring a signature

To access all documents requiring your signature or other action on your part, log into your DocuSign account ( and click Action Required at the left.

Note: you will find in DocuSign that there are multiple ways to get to the same screen. For example, you can also get to Action Required by clicking Manage on the DocuSign banner at the top of the screen. Action Required is again located at the left.

To digitally sign a document from the Action Required screen,

Click Sign at the right of the document, or,

Click the document Subject, then click Sign. See View document signing order, below.

Important: If a button to Load All displays, click this to display any recent documents.

Click Continue to review the document.

When you are finished with your review, click Start to move to the location in the document that requires your signature.

Click Sign.

In the My Signatures and initials box, select your signature.

Click Use Saved,

Click Finish.

 See all signed documents

To see all of your signed documents, from the DocuSign Home screen, click Completed at the right.

 Send a document for a digital signature

Also view DocuSign's video tutorial.

To send a document to a recipient for their digital signature, the document must be added to a DocuSign Envelope and signature Tags added to the document.  

An Envelope includes:

  • the document(s) to be digitally signed,

  • the recipients you add, and,

  • settings and options that you assign which are instructions for how DocuSign should handle the document(s) for each recipient, as well as a recipient signing order if specified.

Note: a DocuSign Envelope can contain multiple files requiring digital signatures as long as all files require the same set of settings and signing order.

From the DocuSign homepage, drag a document to the Drop documents here... box.


Click Start, select Send an Envelope then on the next screen click Upload to add your file.

Once you add your first file, you will see an option to add an additional file.  You may upload as many documents to a single envelope as needed.

Note: For information about DocuSign's supported file types and file size limitations visit this DocuSign support page.

Add recipients to the Envelope: Type the recipient's first and last name into the Name field.  In the Email field enter the full email address. Addresses already available through DocuSign will auto-populate.

You can also click the Address Book icon to the right of the Name field to select a recipient from your Address Book or the UWSP Directory.

Once you send your Envelope, email addresses that you manually add will save to your DocuSign Address Book.

By default, your envelope will be sent to all recipients at the same time. 

Set a Signing Order:  If your document should be reviewed and signed by one or more recipients before moving to the next recipient, place a check next to Set signing order and type a numeric order into the boxes that appear.

Scroll down and add a Subject and Email Message for your recipients.  By default, the file name of the document you are sending is added to the Subject line.  Consider making the Subject more meaningful.

To the right of the Message, you can also set Advanced Options such as reminders, and an expiration date. Coming soon -  look for this option on the top toolbar.

Click Edit to the right of Advanced update these settings for the current Envelope.


IMPORTANT: do not click SEND yet!  You have not yet added Signature and other tags to your document(s).

Tip:  To save and send a document for signing later, at the upper-right of the DocuSign screen click Actions and select Save and Close.  The unsent Envelope and it's document(s) will be saved to DocuSign's Drafts. To return to Drafts, click Manage at the top of the DocuSign screen. Drafts is located at the left in the Envelopes section.

Click Next at the top or bottom right of the DocuSign screen.  You now need to add signature and other tags to your document(s).

Add a Signature tag: Adding Signature and other tags to your document is what allows your document recipients to digitally sign and add other information to the document. 

Participants and tags are located at the left of the screen. Drag the Signature tag from the top left to the area in the document where a signature is required. If Initials are also required, drag the Initials tag to the location where initials are expected.  Note that you can also add a Date Signed tag for a time stamp.

If you have added more than one recipient who must sign or add other information, see Adding tags for multiple recipients at the end of this section.

Click Send at the top or bottom right of the DocuSign screen.

Adding tags for multiple recipients

If you have assigned more than one recipient who needs to sign, or provide other information such as only their initials, each recipient must have their own assigned tags.

To assign a specific recipient to a tag:

Select one of the added tags.

At the top left a Recipients box displays. Note that each recipient is assigned a color code by DocuSign.

Click the Recipients box dropdown and select the recipient to associate with the selected tag. The tag will color-code to match the recipient.

Each set of tags is color-coded for a specific recipient.

Tag assignment is important. If a tag is assigned incorrectly a recipient will not be able to add their information to the correct line.

Download and save your signed documents

When a document is digitally signed through DocuSign, DocuSign generates a Certificate of Authenticity that is saved along with the signed document.

It is very important that you regularly download and save these digitally signed files together with their associated Certificates.

Signed and expired files are regularly purged by DocuSign system administrators from servers located at the Wisconsin Department of Administration (DOA).

 Save your signed documents

We recommend that you download and store both together as one zip file.  

It is strongly recommended as well that for department organization and consistency you:

  • rename the zip file using a naming convention agreed upon within your department.  

  • save the zip file to a dedicated folder on your department shared drive.

  • Consider a naming convention that facilitates a good sort order.

Note:  Certain browsers such as Chrome and FireFox save by default to your local Downloads folder. You will need to move the zip file to your department folder.  Microsoft Edge gives you the option to Save As and select your save location.

To download a digitally signed file and its associated Certificate of Authenticity:

Log into DocuSign.

On the Home screen at the left, click Completed.

Click the Subject text to access download options.

At the right click the Download button.

In the Download box, make sure that All is checked. This automatically checks both Document and Certificate of Completion.

Click Download.

IMPORTANT: DO NOT check Combine all PDFs into one file. This option excludes the Certificate of Completion.

If you are working in Microsoft Edge, a prompt to save will display at the bottom of the screen. Click the arrow to the right of Save and select Save As. Saving from FireFox or Chrome will save to your local Downloads folder.

Rename the zip file using the naming convention agreed upon within your department and save it to a folder dedicated to your digitally signed files on your department shared drive.

To learn more about Certificate Authorities and eSignature standards see DocuSign's Understanding digital signatures page.

​Tips and other useful information

 Can I include my digital signature in the document?

There may be times when you need to add your signature to a document you generate before sending it to others for theirs.

Simply create your DocuSign envelope as you typically do and include yourself as a recipient. If no signing order is set, you will receive a prompt to Sign as soon as you click Send.

If you have set a signing order and you are not the first to sign, you will receive your signing request email as soon as the people who preceed you in the signing order have signed.

 Correcting in-progress envelopes

Occasionally there may be a need to correct envelopes and documents sent for signing via DocuSign.  DocuSign provides an excellent video tutorial that walks you through making these corrections.

 View document's DocuSign History

Recipients are unable to see an Envelope's Signing Order, but when signing a document you can access it's History to see information such as the Envelope Recipients.

When signing a document, click Other Actions at the upper-right. Select View History from the list.


Select Manage from the top menu of the DocuSign Home screen.

To the right of an Envelope click the down-arrow next to Sign and select History from the list.

 File size and file type limitations

DocuSign recommends limiting each file to 5 MB, but will accept a maximum file size of 25 MB  The most commonly used file types are supported. This includes .doc, .docx, .pdf, .msg, .ppt, .pptx., .csv, .xls, .xlsx, .jpg, .png, and .gif.  Note that DocuSign does not support files with password security enabled (remove the security setting before uploading the file).

For more information about DocuSign's supported file types and file size limitations visit this DocuSign support page.

 Sign documents on iOS and Android devices

Sign documents on iOS devices.

Sign documents on Android devices.

 Send envelopes from iOS and Android devices

Send envelopes from iOS.

Send envelopes from Android. 

 How to resend an Envelope

Here is some excellent information from DocuSign on how to resend an Envelope for signing to all recipients who has not yet signed the document, or to only one person - for example, the person holding up the signing order.

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Easy Panels Sample Panel ‭[1]‬

Note: You can make other web parts into tabs by setting the "Chrome Type" property to "Title Only".

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Easy Panels Sample Panel ‭[3]‬

Note: You can make other web parts into tabs by setting the "Chrome Type" property to "Title Only".

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Easy Panels Sample Panel ‭[2]‬

Note: You can make other web parts into tabs by setting the "Chrome Type" property to "Title Only".

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Easy Panels Sample Panel ‭[4]‬

Note: You can make other web parts into tabs by setting the "Chrome Type" property to "Title Only".

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For questions, please contact the Service Desk.