Post This On Your Wall!
How cool is it to be able to share with your best friends up to the minute pictures of the most
amazing slope you just boarded down, or the white beach sand your toes are buried in? But as you're
submitting your information on your mobile upload, are you considering who else can see this
information and how it could harm you?
Social networking sites can put your personal information, property, and safety at risk! You
can have your identity stolen, your credit card number stolen, your home robbed, your PC infected
with malware, and your reputation ruined.
Sites like Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, and blogs are a positive way to keep in touch with past
or current friends as well as family members when security remains a focus. However, when
security is ignored, you may quickly risk your personal safety, your financial well-being, the
security of your home and belongings, and infecting your PC with malware and spyware.