Family and Consumer Sciences: Experiential Learning

Simply Smiles
​As part of their 6-12 credits or field work, family and consumer sciences students have the opportunity to participate in exciting diversity immersion experiences in distant locations.

Through these experiences students learn to traverse a culture different from their own. They develop empathy as they learn what it feels like to be in a foreign country or immersed in a culture different than their own. Mostly students learn about themselves, their own limits, their own biases, their own strengths, and their own life’s purpose.

Lakota Reservation in LaPlant, South Dakota

  • Students develop and run summer day camps for children; help with construction of homes or facilities repair at the community center and teach skills to children and residents such as crafts, gardening, and cooking. 
  • This community& faces extreme rates of poverty, substance abuse, and child neglect. Through this experience, students learn about culture and the challenge of bridging one with another in the U.S. and how to respect and meet people with an entirely different view than their own.
"This can be a life-changing experience, if you let it be.” – Professor Sterling Wall 


  • Work with youth and community leaders from urban and rural (jungle) areas and stay in the homes of locals.
  • Students Help teach skills such as sewing, cooking, and jewelry-making to community members, make crafts, and read to children at community library.
“Before learning to make jewelry and decorate cakes, we did not know where money for rent or our next meal would come from. Now, we know.” – Mother graduating from two week skills training class through WNP.

FCS Home
Faculty and Staff
Courses and Advising
Career Options
Option: Child Life and Family Studies
Option: Teacher Education
Minor: Child, Youth and Family Studies
Minor: Youth Programming
Child Life Specialist Preparation Certificate
Family Adversity and Adaptation Certificate
Financial Literacy Certificate
Health Science Education Certification
FCS Graduate Certification
Experiential Learning
Student Organizations
Alumni Map: Where Are They Now?