Student Journals
NR 323/523, International Resource Management
FOR 361/561, Native American Forestry
This online journal is a venue for students to display papers written during two courses, International Resource Management and Native American Forestry.
Students in both courses write a research paper consisting of a literature review using primary and secondary literature, related to issues surrounding International Resource Management or Native American forestry. Students in International Resource Management also prepare a case study analysis for their final project.
Examples of paper topics include:
International Resource Management:
- Land Tenure
- Deforestation
- International Trade Agreements
Native American Forestry
- Wild Rice Culture
- Use of Forest Materials
- Forest Resource Relationships
Papers are peer-reviewed and critiqued, and finally reviewed by the instructors before being published in this on-line journal.
NOTE: The views and opinions expressed in these writings are those of the student authors, and are not necessarily endorsed by the College of Natural Resources or the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.