WebTMA is the Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) used to effectively manage campus physical assets and streamline operations for Facility Services. WebTMA is a scalable web-based software application, which provides users with the ability to access their facility and maintenance data from any location at any time via the Internet or the UWSP Intranet.

UWSP benefits from the WebTMA software by reducing maintenance costs, improving workforce productivity by utilizing electronic workflows, and by properly managing and optimizing inventory while providing great customer service to our students and staff.

​The WebTMA Administrator responsibilities include the following:

  • Data steward of all information inputted into WebTMA
  • Control User Access\Group Security
  • Develop ways to automate workflow processes
  • Resolve technical issues with the WebTMA system
  • Provide training for WebTMA users
  • Provide business intelligence reports for Facility Services managers
  • Review Updates and New Modules
  • Utilize Executive Dashboards to make efficient and intuitive workflows for all WebTMA users

What does WebTMA stand for?

WebTMA stands for a Web-based Total Maintenance Authority software application, also known as a CMMS.

What types of data does WebTMA handle for UWSP?

UWSP's WebTMA software handles many different types of data. This includes modules for all work orders on campus, all preventative maintenance performed on equipment on campus, advanced asset management as well as containing multiple repair/cost centers. We also have additional modules for Materials Management, Project Management, Parts Allocation, Executive Dashboard, Work Order Redirect and Advanced Split Billing.

How would I, as a student or staff, utilize WebTMA?

The best way to utilize WebTMA is via our UWSP "myPoint" Intranet. There are links provided to help you complete and submit a "Work Request." This is located on the Administrative tab on the Work Orders section. Click on the link called "Facility Services Work Request System" to begin submitting your work request.

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