Our staff is highly trained in many fields of expertise. Here are some of our credentials.


Together Everyone Achieves More.  For more information about T.E.A.M., please click the link below.

• T.E.A.M.

UWSP Facility Services: Advancing the academic mission through craftsmanship, artistry, and exceptional service.​​
Facility Services strives to provide outstanding support for the students, faculty staff, and visitors to the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. The Facilities Department supports planning and capital construction activities on campus and is responsible for renovation, maintenance and repair of the University's buildings and grounds.  Our goal is to be your choice for all your facilities' management needs, and to be the very best and most effective provider of those services.  We believe that the success of our department is a direct result of the success of our staff.  Therefore, we place great importance on maintaining a positive, employee focused work environment.
A few interesting facts about the UWSP facility is that, in essence, the campus is a small city. Its population includes 8,500 students, more than 400 faculty/teaching staff and 400 non-academic staff, as well as community members who use campus resources. The main campus consists of more than 400 acres of land with 35 major buildings—a total of more than 2.5 million gross square feet of space, 2.5 miles of steam lines, 21 acres of roofs and 2.1 miles of electrical lines.
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