
The Cornerstone Press is an independent publishing house and teaching press. As the first press of its kind in the University of Wisconsin system, and one of five undergraduate, student-staffed presses in the United States, the Press operates with the support of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Department of English, the School of Humanities and Global Studies, and the College of Letters and Science. Established in 1984, the press has published over 100 titles to date in multiple genres.  

We are located in the Collins Classroom Center (Room 127) of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, in Stevens Point, Wisconsin.

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​New Titles Released Fall 2024

Check out our Books page for more details.

Click a title to purchase or pre-order!

Legacy Series in Short Fiction

          Salt Folk_Cover_ARC_Red.png        The Commission of Inquiry_Front Cover6.png       The Machine We Trust_Front Cover.png       Gridlock_FrontCover1.png

          Salt Folk_Cover_ARC_Red.png        Salt Folk_Cover_ARC_Red.png      Salt Folk_Cover_ARC_Red.png      Salt Folk_Cover_ARC_Red.png

Portage Poetry Series​​​​​


          Restoring Prairie_Front Cover_Final.png        A Bright Wound_Front Cover.png        Table with Burning Candle_Front Cover1.png        The Velvet Book (1).png

          Always a Body_Front Cover.jpg         Bowed As If Laden With Snow_Front Cover.png                


Back Home Series in Nonfiction


          theplagues_finalcover.jpg        Hoist House_Front Cover_ARC.jpg       Finding the Bones_Front Cover_ARC.png        Self Defense Final (I hope).png                   

40th Anniversary Gala Program - April 5, 2024

Featuring remarks from press director & publisher Dr. Ross Tangedal, press authors Kim Suhr and Ryan Habermeyer, bestselling novelist Larry Watson, UWSP alumnae Lexie Neeley (Little Free Library) and Grace Tesch (Harper Collins Publishing), university, college, and department administration, and past press directors Dan Dieterich (founder), Per Henningsgard, and Gail Folkins. view​



Author Ev​​​ents

October 17, 2024 (w/ Heidi Bell, Gary Schanbacher, Kim Suhr, and Micharl Darcher) view​

September 19, 2024 (w/ Phillip Sterling, Casey Knott, and Scott Russell Morris) view

April 18, 2024 (w/ Dave Greschner, Sarah A. Etlinger, and Patrick Nevins) view​

April 4, 2024 (w/ Tim Conrad and Ryan Habermeyer) view​

February 15, 2024 (w/ Yolanda DeLoach and Robert Root) view​

November 9, 2023 (w/ Jeff Esterholm, Jody Hobbs Hesler, and Kevin Clouther) view

February 24, 2023 (w/ Steve Fox, Nikki Kallio, and Jenny Robertson) view

November 10, 2022 (w/ Elise Gregory, Jim Landwehr, and Christopher ​​​​​Chambers) view

September 25, 2021 (w/ Robert Miltner, Patricia Ann McNair, Margaret Rozga, and Jamie Lyn Smith) view​

Courses related to the Cornerstone Press:

 ENGL 339 - Book and Publication Design

Study the art and application of book and publication design. Use Adobe InDesign Publishing Suite to create layouts, covers, and other book materials. Edit, design, market, and sell at minimum one book acquired by Cornerstone Press.

3 cr.

 ENGL 349 - Editing and Publishing

Writing, editing, and preparing materials for publication, including consideration of reader/editor appeal, and ways to market manuscripts. [Editor’s note: The class must find a manuscript, produce and sell a book.] Available for graduate credit as ENGL 549

3 cr.

 ENGL 350 - Creative Nonfiction

Art of nonfiction writing using literary devices to write about true events. The course explores creative nonfiction forms and includes class discussion of student work. 

Either ENGL 250 or ENGL 253, Instructor Consent, or Department Consent

3 cr.

 ENGL 373 - Publication for Teachers

Foundational publication and journalism basics connected to theory and practice; intended for those teaching at the middle and secondary levels in any/all subjects. Available for graduate credit as ENGL 573.

Admission to Professional Education Program (English) or Department Consent

Typically Offered:
Summer Only

3 cr.

 ENGL 388 - Editorial Process

Study of the editorial process, including editorial theory, developmental editing, copyediting, and proofreading. Consider the role of the editor in various kinds of media, engage in hands-on editorial work, and consult with editors and writers. Available for graduate credit as ENGL 588

3 cr.

 ENGL 389 - Book History

Study of the book as a medium and its role in the development and transmission of culture, addressing the implications of topics such as authorship, printing, publishing, distribution, bookselling, and reading. Course themes will be developed both theoretically via case studies and practically via hands-on activities. Available for graduate credit as ENGL 589

3 cr.

 ENGL 390 - Profession of Authorship

The figure of the “author” from 1800 to the present in the United States, focusing on the writer as professional both in the literary marketplace and in the culture at large, and examining representative authors from Susanna Rowson to Toni Morrison. Available for graduate credit as ENGL 590

3 cr.

Typically Offered: Once per academic year

​​ ​



Interested in the Press?

If you are an undergraduate or graduate student English major or minor with questions about courses related to the Press, are a writer interested in publishing a book through the Press, or are looking for general Press-related information, please contact:

Dr. Ross K. Tangedal
Director/Publisher, Associate Professor

Stevens Point Campus
127 Collins Classroom Center

English Department 

For general questions for the English Department regarding coursework or to connect with someone for advising please contact us at:  


Main Office: 715-346-4757